Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Wonderful Wednesday

This morning about 60 third grade students were involved in testing for the Highly Gifted Center.  Due to such a large number, two of our teachers had to help.  Therefore, our schedule was changed a bit.

We spent this morning learning about Martin Luther King, Jr and how his ideas and actions impacted all humans.  First we watched a "Kid President" video introducing us to the story of Martin Luther King, Jr. After sharing our thoughts we watched a second video that included more facts and details about his life and legacy.  Then students had the chance to identify things that surprised them.

Next the students made "trading cards" (think football or baseball cards) for Martin Luther King, Jr., and Rosa Parks.  They used the "stats", or information, listed on the cards to complete several activities.

First we compared and contrasted Martin Luther King, Jr., and Rosa Parks, using a Venn diagram.  Then we wrote a few sentences to reflect the organizer.

After that we created a timeline of important dates using the trading cards.

Then we took a much needed Go Noodle brain break.

Next the children used the "trading cards" to write 2 facts and 1 fib about MLK Jr., and Rosa Parks. Then we shared these and attempted to identify the fib...without using the trading cards.  :-)

Finally we watched a Reading Rainbow episode, The Story of Martin Luther King, Jr. Then the children wrote about a dream they have for the future.

After that the children went to music with Mrs. Graf.  The they enjoyed lunch and indoor recess.

After recess we began our math block.

Our math block was shorter because of the changes to our routine.  So, I did not meet with all groups.

Students who met with me practiced utilizing vocabulary specific to fractions as they read, wrote, and drew a representation of unit fractions.

During math with a partner, students engaged in math discourse as they rolled a die to create a fraction, then names a drew a representation of it in their math journal.

During the technology rotation the students practiced identifying and creating fractions using a new site, Matific.

HOMEWORK is posted on Google Classroom.

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