Friday, January 15, 2016

Fantastic Friday

This morning, after watching the video announcements, we began our literacy block.

Today the students began by identifying examples of cause and effect from their guided reading books. Then they completed their opinion paragraph organizer, for the inquiry project, and revised it with a partner.  Then they caught up on word work and cursive assignments.

As they worked, I met with guided reading groups.

Orange:  We began with a word work quiz.  Then we identified two examples of cause and effect from our guided reading book and wrote them on a chart in our RRJ.  After that, we turned each example into a complete sentence.  I collected their books.  They will get new ones next week.

After the Orange group met, we had a fire drill.  :-)

Pink:  Independently the students reread pages 3 and 4 and identified an example of cause and effect from each page, on a chart in their RRJ.  We began group with a word work quiz.  Then we shared the examples of cause and effect.  After that the students wrote sentences to describe each cause and effect.  I collected their books.  They will get a new one next week.

Green: Independently the students reread pages 17-19 and identified two examples of cause and effect, on a chart, in their RRJ.  In group we began with a word work quiz.  Then we shared and discussed their examples of cause and effect.  Finally we wrote a sentence, using one of the examples to clearly state the cause and effect.  I collected their books.   They will get new ones next week.

Blue:  Independently the students identified 3 examples of cause and effect from pages 9-15 in their guided reading book.  In group we began with our word work quiz.  Then we shared and discussed some of the examples of cause and effect.  Finally, the students chose one of their examples to write in a complete sentence that clearly stated the relationship.

After our literacy block, the students enjoyed outdoor recess and lunch.

When they returned to class we shared homework writing journals.

Next we practiced naming and identifying fractions by playing a computer game called Kahoot.

After that we got packed up.

We ended our day with an assembly called, "The Rhythms of India".

Enjoy the 3 day weekend!  :-)

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