Thursday, January 14, 2016

Thriving Thursday

This morning, after the announcements, we began our literacy block.  I spent time explaining, and modeling, how to complete the organizer for the opinion paragraph of the inquiry project.  Students will state their opinion as to whether their tool has had a positive or negative impact on humans.  Then they will name and explain facts to support it.

While I met with reading groups the students completed guided reading group assignments.  Then they began working on their opinion organizer.  After that they did a buddy check using their word work words.

Orange:  We began by rereading their book.  Then we listed cause and effect signal words in their RRJ.  Then we reread page 4 and discussed an example of cause and effect.  For HOMEWORK the students need to reread this book one last time!  :-)

Pink:  Big goof with this group!!!  :-0  I read my notes wrong and thought we had gone over cause and effect signal words.  So, independently the students were supposed to reread their book and flag any that they found.  Unfortunately, those were the plans for they were rather unsuccessful.  We figured this out when they got to group.  So, when they got to group, they took notes about cause and effect and listed signal words in their RRJ. Then we reread page 3 and identified an example of cause and effect.  For HOMEWORK the students need to reread the entire book.

Green:  Independently the students reread pages 10-19 and flagged cause and effect signal words, using the list in their RRJ.  In group we reviewed some of the words they flagged and then they wrote 3 examples of cause and effect, from their book, on a chart in their RRJ.  Finally we reviewed the examples they wrote on the chart.  For HOMEWORK the students need to reread pages 10-19.

Blue:  Independently the students reread pages 9-15 and flagged cause and effect signal words.  In group we reviewed the sections of text they marked.  Then we practiced identifying the cause and effect, orally.  For HOMEWORK the students need to reread the entire book.

After our literacy block the students enjoyed outdoor recess and lunch.

When they returned to class we began our math block.

During the small group instruction we partitioned pattern blocks, using other blocks, to create equal parts and name unit fractions.

During math with a partner, the children practiced identifying fractions as they played Fraction Bump.

Finally, during the technology rotation the students watched a Khan Academy lesson and completed two practice activities.

In the middle of our math block the children went to art with Mrs. Daniell.  When they returned to class we finished it.

HOMEWORK is posted in Google Classroom.

After math we continued reading and discussing the many wonders of Africa.  Today we learned about the Great Serengeti Migration, the Nile River, and the Aswan Dam.

No math quiz tomorrow but we will have a word work quiz.

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