Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Terrific Tuesday

This morning, after the announcements, we began our literacy block.

The students will be planning their final part of the inquiry project, an opinion paragraph.  So, I modeled how to begin planning for it by completing a 4Cs graphic organizer.  The children will brainstorm how they use their tool, any challenges created by their tool, how they perceive their tool, and changes in their own thinking regarding the tool.

As I met with guided reading groups the children completed an independent guided reading groups assignment.  Then they completed the 4Cs organizer, described above.  Net they practiced their word work words by using 10 in meaningful sentences.  After that they practiced writing the letter Z in cursive.

Orange:  We reviewed the questions we wrote using the headings.  Then we read to identify the answer to each question.  We decide upon key words for each question and listed them on our sticky notes.  Finally, the children, independently, wrote answers to the last two questions, in their RRJ.  For HOMEWORK the students need to reread the entire book.

Pink:  Independently the students wrote answers, in their RRJ, for the questions we answered orally in group yesterday.  Then in group we reviewed the final 3 questions we wrote using the headings and identified key words for each.  For HOMEWORK the students need to reread the entire book.

Green:  Independently the students reread pages 6-8 and identified two more examples of cause and effect, from the text, in their RRJ.  In group we shared and discussed the examples of cause and effect. We also added new examples to our charts.  For HOMEWORK the children need to read pages 10-19.

Blue:  Independently the students reread pages 2-8, turning each heading into a question and reading to answer it.  Then they chose two of their questions to answer, in writing, in their RRJ.  In group we shared the questions they wrote.  Then we reviewed cause and effect and listed signal or key words. Finally we reread page 8, found a signal word, and identified an example of cause and effect.  For HOMEWORK the students need to read pages 9-15.

After our literacy block the students enjoyed indoor recess and lunch.

When the students returned to class we had to take some time to talk about being respectful and following directions.

After our talk, we began our math block.

During the small group, teacher-led, instruction we defined vocabulary associated to fractions, such as, numerator, denominator, fractions bar, part, whole, etc.  We also spent time identifying unit fractions using Cuisenaire rods.

During math with a partner the students began by sort pictures and words identifying common unit fractions.  Then they used a die to roll numbers and create unit fractions.  As they did, they wrote the fraction and drew a representation in their math journal.

During the technology rotation the students watched a Khan Academy lesson about fractions and practiced the new concepts.

HOMEWORK is posted in Google Classroom.

We ended the day with a guidance lesson, with Ms. Snyder, about including others.

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