Thursday, January 7, 2016


This morning, prior to the announcements, I worked with a small group of students helping them to read, draw, write, and solve division problems.

After the announcements we had a discussion about respect.  Yesterday, Mr. McGee had to speak to our class twice, once during indoor recess, and then, again, during music.  I followed up with the students this morning.  Then we began our literacy block.

Today the students began with a guided reading group assignment.  They chose two of their vocabulary words, from Tuesday and Wednesday, and wrote meaningful sentences for each to demonstrate they understood and could correctly use the word.  This will be a vocabulary grade.  Next they continued working on the third paragraph of their inquiry project.  Then they practiced their word work words using Look, Say, Cover, Write, Check, or Rainbow Words.  After that, they practice writing the letters U, V, and Y, in cursive.

As they worked I met with guided reading groups.

Orange:  We began by reviewing words with the -ee and -ea vowel patterns.  Then we continued working on cause and effect.  Today I identified sentences in their book that contained an effect.  The students then wrote a "what caused..." question .  After they wrote the question, they read the text and wrote an answer to it.  For HOMEWORK the students need to reread the entire book, working on stamina and fluency.

Pink:  The students chose two words to use in meaningful sentences.  Then, in group, we reviewed the cause and effect from the caption on page 10 (last night's homework).  After that, the children read page 12 and identified an example of cause and effect. For HOMEWORK the students need to reread the entire book, working on stamina and fluency.

Green:  The students chose two words to use in meaningful sentences.  Then, in group, we reviewed the sentences and the cause and effect from page 12.  For HOMEWORK the children need to reread their entire book working on stamina.

Blue:  The students chose two words to use in meaningful sentences.  Then, in group, we reviewed the cause and effect from last night's homework.  After that, the students reread page 15 and identified an example of cause and effect.  For HOMEWORK the students need to reread their entire book working on stamina.

After our literacy block, the students enjoyed outdoor recess and lunch.

When they returned to class, the students had time to finish the MAP-M assessment they began yesterday.

Then the class went to art.

Finally, we celebrated our class Dojos with a game afternoon.  We played board games for the last 40 minutes of our day.

We WILL have a quiz tomorrow covering word problems.

HOMEWORK is posted on Google Classroom.

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