Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Twisted Tuesday

We have a few schedule changes in store for today...that explains my title for today's blog!  :-)

The students began the day in PE.  When they returned to class, I was in a meeting.  Mrs. Benson read the book Forces and Motion to the class and began identifying examples of cause and effect.  After that the students worked on independent reading group assignments and practiced writing the letters f, j and p in cursive.

Yellow Jackets:  This group used last night's homework to write a summary of chapter 3 in their RRJ.

Cheetahs:  This group reread chapter 2 and identified how Ben's feelings changed in their RRJ.

Sharks:  This group read pages 13-20 with a partner from their group and then identified the problem and solution in the book, in their RRJ.

Snakes:  This group got their new book and read it with Mrs. Ambrosi.  Then they answered the questions in the back of the book in their RRJ.

In math we reviewed decomposing base ten blocks to solve subtraction problems.  Then the students practiced using this strategy to solve two problems on their own.  I pulled a small group to work on this strategy.  There is no homework tonight.

After enjoying lunch and outdoor recess the children will attend an SGA assembly.  They will listen to speeches given by students in grades 4 and 5 who are running for an SGA office.  When we return to class they will vote for SGA officers.  Then they will listen to their classmates who want to be SGA representatives and vote.

The children will end their day with a visit to the media center.

Remember, due to a Jewish holiday, there is no school tomorrow.  Also, Friday is an early release day.

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