Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Welcome Marking Period 3

Today begins the third marking period and the second semester of the school year...we are half way through third grade!

In math we began unit 4...Geometry. This unit is heavy on the vocabulary!! Each student received a vocabulary packet to be kept in the math section of their binder. Please make sure it is there and encourage them to use it.

Today we learned the definition and symbols for a point, a line, a line segment, a ray, and an angle. For homework they were given a two sided worksheet but they should only complete the LINE side of the worksheet. They are not prepared to complete the angle side.

In reading we identified the two points of view used by authors; first person ()when the narrator is a character in the story) and third person (when an outside is telling the story). WE read Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day and identified the point of view used by the author. We also practiced telling specific incidents in the story from a different character's point of view. Next,since writing to persuade is our focus this marking period, we discussed the concept of persuasion and identified examples of it.

While I met with reading groups, the students identified an incident from the Alexander story and wrote it in another character's point of view. They also created a chart of 5 examples of a time they convinced someone to act or think in a certain way and the method they used to do so. Finally, they read a chapter in their reading book.

A word about reading groups...

Last week, while I was out, the class took the winter MAP-R. This is a computerized reading test that they took in the fall. Using the data from the Map-R, as well as written assignments and observations in reading group, I will be forming new reading groups...SOON. However, I want to have all of my current groups finish the books they are currently reading.

With that in mind...

Blue: We read chapter 5 discussed the point of view and practiced summarizing the chapter. For homework they need to read chapter 6 and get a parent's signature.

Red: We read most of chapter 4 and discussed point of view. For homework they need to finish reading chapter 4, read chapter 5 and get a parent's signature.

Green: We briefly discussed the point of view that their book uses. For homework they need to reread chapters 4 and 5. We are finished with their book...so they are in somewhat of a holding pattern until the other groups catch up!

Following lunch and outdoor recess we will have a class meeting to touch base and see how things are going. Then we will use plastic straws to make reed instruments that produce sound.

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