Tuesday, January 11, 2011


In math we used rounding to estimate the product of word problems. There is a worksheet for homework. The students are also bringing home two problems, that we solved together in class, to help clarify any confusion.

The students began reading by sharing their natural resource and interesting facts paragraphs in small groups. Each student was expected to read both paragraphs to two classmates and then make some improvements with the help of the other children. The children will be bringing home these two paragraphs tonight to read to an adult. Feel free to help your child make some changes, but the paragraphs should not be entirely rewritten.

After that we identified strategies for answering multiple choice questions. I explained the concept of a distractor; the most common wrong answer. We also discussed the need to read through all of the choices and go back to the text to locate the correct response.

Finally, I introduced a new strategy that we will be trying out, thank to Mrs. J. As I write and explain their goals for independent work time on the white board, the students will now be coping the goals onto a sticky note in order to create a check list for themselves. This is intended to foster independence and encourage the students to self-monitor.

Today's checklist:
1. Complete natural resource and interesting facts paragraphs
2. Multiple choice WS
3. Reading group WS

I was only able to meet with two reading groups today, but all three reading groups did have a written comprehension worksheet to work on that pertained to their specific novel.

Blue: We read and discussed chapter 4.
Red: We read and discussed most of chapter 4.

Following lunch and indoor recess in the gym, Mrs. Howard will come by to conduct a lesson about respect. After that we will use slide whistles to determine the relationship between pitch and space in the air tunnel.

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