Wednesday, January 12, 2011

2 hour delayed opening on Hump Day

This morning we came to school two hours later than usual. So the third grade team chose to have math class and not reading. IN math we reviewed rounding and estimation. Then, while the students worked independently on an estimation worksheet and making flashcards for the multiples of 4, I met with two small groups!!

The first group worked on rounding numbers to the nearest ten. The second group practiced solving division sentences using the repeated subtraction technique.

For homework, some students need to finish their estimation worksheet from classwork. Some also need to finish their flashcards. ALL students need to practiced memorizing their flashcards!!

After math we ate lunch. When we returned to class, we continued working on our MSA song. Then the students went to PE. When they return, we are supposed to graph the results from our science lesson yesterday but I may allow them to continue working on our MSA song. They really are working on great skills such as counting beats (syllables), rhyming, staying on topic, word choice, revising, etc. Oh, we are also having fun while learning...shhhh...don't tell them they are learning! :-O

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