Thursday, November 11, 2010

Veteran's Day

We began the morning with a Flag Raising Ceremony in honor of Veteran's Day. It was a gorgeous morning to honor those who have selflessly given of themselves to protect our country.

After that we continued with math instruction. My class continued to work on word problems which utilized the linear measurement skills on which we have been working. There is NO worksheet for homework. We will have a quiz tomorrow. I would highly recommend for parents to review the word problems worksheet with your children this evening. Have your child explain how to solve each problem.

Our reading block was shortened due to the early release planned for this afternoon. Our whole group lesson today centered around using background knowledge to help us understand new knowledge in non-fiction text. First we discussed the idea of background knowledge. Then we listed what we know about typical 8 year olds. After that we read the book Angela from the Arctic...a non-fiction book about an 8 year old Alaskan girl. After reading the story we discussed (and charted) similarities and differences between us and Angela. Then we analyzed how our background knowledge helped us understand and retain the new information that was in the book.

After that the students continued working on their rough drafts, their main idea worksheet and a cursive worksheet practicing the capital P, B and R. I decided not to meet with reading groups to help move along those students who are behind on their writing assignments. (They were thrilled!)

Following lunch, the students will pack up and go home.

Book orders are due tomorrow!

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