Thursday, March 25, 2010

Sound Project Due Date

There was a lot of excitement in the room this morning as the students brought in their projects. They all look terrific! We will share them tomorrow! I can't wait!!

In math this morning I used a clothesline and clothespins to help students locate fractions and mixed numbers on a number line. This seemed to be a great visual for the children. However, their classwork indicated that there was still some confusion. SO we went over the first two problems, in class, and the students were told to redo the rest of the worksheet for homework. I also met this three small groups. One worked on identifying equivalent fractions. Another had students determine the value of a fraction of a set. Finally, the third group practiced adding money. We will have a quiz tomorrow!

In reading the students received a new National Geographic with a sea turtle on the front cover. We read about Green Sea Turtles and discussed the organization of the article. After that, as a whole group, we edited our persuasive letter rough drafts.

Following music, lunch and recess the students will continue working on their persuasive letters and other assignments from the week while I meet with reading groups.

Tigers: Practiced writing high frequency words. Then read chapter 4 independently. After that we discussed what problem Andrew's embarrassment had caused. Then we finished reading the book (chapter 5) out loud. Tonight they need to reread both chapters.

Bears: We began a new book...kind of weird timing with tomorrow being the last day before Spring Break but the students really wanted to. Who can turn down children who WANT to read?!?! So we read chapter 1 in the secret and discussed what made Chris a hero. Tonight they need to reread chapter 1.

Lions: Finished reading Onion Tears independently. Then, in group, read and discussed the end.

The day will end with a lesson lead by Mrs. Howard.

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