Monday, March 15, 2010

MSA for Third Grade is O*V*E*R!!!!

This morning the students completed the final portion of the math MSA. We are finished! WOO HOO!

After that we learned about homophones, homonyms and homographs. WE also began reading a book called A Chocolate Moose for Dinner.

Next we went to art, lunch and outdoor recess.

This afternoon the students worked on their persuasive writing piece and identifying the meanings of different homophones. I met with two reading groups.

Bears: Reread chapter 1 and discussed the problem in the chapter. Then we read chapter 2 and the students wrote about a character trait for Selena, in their RRJ, and provided evidence from the text.

Lions: Read pages 1-15 and marked three sentences with sticky notes. Then they worked with a partner to discuss the meaning of these sentences.

We ended the day by brainstorming rules and guidelines that are present in our community. The students began working in groups to categorize these items.

Remember the sound project is due NEXT Thursday!

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