Monday, October 13, 2008

Monday - Open House

It was so nice to see so many parents at this morning's Open House!

In math, I introduced the terms median (the middle number in an ordered set of data), mode (the # occurring most often in a set of data) and range (the difference between the greatest number and the least number in a set of data). Then the class practiced constructing bar graphs, independently, while Mrs. Starkey and myself worked with small groups of students to improve their computation skills. For homework students need to finish the bar graph from class and complete a worksheet.

During reading we discussed cause and effect. Then we began reading a non fiction text titled Race to the South Pole and charting examples of cause and effect.

Following art, lunch and recess, we will be presented with dictionaries (to keep) from the Damascus Rotary Club. Then we will write thank you notes for the dictionaries to the Rotary Club.

After that, we will discuss the importance of using correct punctuation in our writing and continue writing personal narratives.

We will end the day with a book exchange in the media center.

PLEASE make sure your child is working on the book report every night!!!

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