Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Hump Day

...and then it's a quick ride down to the end of the week since we do not have school on Friday!

In math, the children worked independently on constructing line plots (and determining median, mode and range) and bar graphs. I pulled students who demonstrated they needed help with these assignments. There is a double bar graph worksheet for homework and we do have a quiz tomorrow!

During reading we continued to identify cause and effect in non fiction text. At first, the children worked in partners in a whole group setting where I led their thinking. Then, while I met with a reading group, they continued to work with a partner and created a t-chart in their reading response journals recording examples of cause and effect in Race to the South Pole.

Following PE, lunch and recess, I will continue to work with reading groups while the children continue working on their t-charts. If time permits, I will do a mini lesson about using commas in lists and have the students continue working on their personal narratives.

We will end the day with an Econ and Me lesson about opportunity cost.

We will have a spelling assessment tomorrow and spelling homework is due! PLEASE make sure your child is working on the book report. It is due two weeks from today!

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