Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween!!!

This morning was business as usual here...

In math we reviewed converting inches to feet to yards and took a quiz. Then we previewed perimeter and area by watching a video clip on United Streaming.

In reading we used important information to determine the main idea in non fiction text. This is NOT an easy skill to learn but I was so excited because the children were demonstrating that they were getting it!!! YEY!

Following music, lunch and recess we went to the computer lab to work on Type to Learn. Next we will change into our costumes and celebrate Halloween with a parade and party that some wonderful mothers planned!

Remember there is no school for children on Monday and Tuesday. Teachers will be working on Monday but we have Tuesday off!

Happy Halloween!!

Thursday, October 30, 2008


During math the children worked independently on measuring in inches and making conversions. While they worked, I pulled a few students, one-at-a-time, to check their decoding(word calling...reading) and their verbal comprehension.

We began reading by reviewing the whole group lesson from yesterday. Then the students were each assigned a non fiction text. They thought of two to three questions they had about the subject of the book PRIOR to reading it. Then they created a chart in their RRJs and read the book, recording information from the text as either important (if it answered one of their questions) or interesting.

While they worked independently, I continued working with individual students. Miss Diane met with two reading groups.

Frogs: Read chapter 4 and discussed unknown words.
Dragons: Read chapters 7 & 8 and discussed unknown words.

Following lunch and recess Miss Jones will read Halloween stories to the entire third grade. Then we will finish sharing book reports. Finally, we will select a start student for this month.

Spelling is due tomorrow. There will be a spelling assessment and a math quiz (measuring inches with a ruler and inch, feet, yards conversions) tomorrow!

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Hump Day

We began using the metric system for linear measurement this morning. I began by talking about the metric system being a base-ten system and then introduced millimeters, centimeters, decimeters and meters. The children practiced using a ruler to measure lines in centimeters. There is a worksheet for homework.

In reading we discussed what it meant for information to be "important" versus "interesting". In short, when we pick up non fiction text, we typically are driven by questions...whether they are from our own head or from a teacher or a worksheet, etc. Regardless, important information from the text would be what you read that answers the question or questions that define your purpose for reading. All other information is just plain interesting. As a group we read Whale Rap (or began reading it, actually), and charted information from the book as either important or interesting, using questions I had set forth prior to reading the book.

Following PE, lunch and recess we will begin our oral presentations of our book reports. Those who don't share today will share tomorrow. We will also have a gallery walk with Mr. Vogel's class so that we can enjoy each other's projects.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008


In math we worked on converting inches to feet to yards. Tonight's homework is to do 4 conversions in their math are the problems in case anyone forgets their math journal at school:
5 ft. = _____ in.
72 in. = _____ ft.
4 yd. = _____ft.
21 ft. = ____yd.

During reading we used the book Polar Bears to practice identifying questions we have before, during and after reading non fiction text. We discussed how this actually helped our comprehension of what we read. The students also worked on individual reading group assignments.

JGB: Completed creative writing activity in their Fisherman packet.
Dragons: Read chapter 7 and identified new words and questions they had as they read.
Frogs: Read chapter 4 and identified new words and questions they had as they read.

Following lunch and recess we will continue writing personal narratives. Then we will learn new vocabulary words associated with geography. If time permits, we will watch a video clip, from United Streaming, about geography.

Book reports are due tomorrow! Tomorrow is also jersey day to remind children to "team up" against drugs. The Halloween party and parade begin at 2:15 on Friday.

Monday, October 27, 2008


This is Red Ribbon Week. We take time this week to remind students to say No! to drugs!

During math we examined 3 different rulers and noted similarities and differences. We discussed and practiced using rulers to measure using inches.

After math, we had a guest speaker for Red Ribbon Week. A police officer visited our class and spoke to the children.

Then we went to art, lunch and indoor recess.

Following recess, we will review the writing process and talk about finding ideas to use in our writing. Then the children will continue writing personal narratives.

We will end the day with a book exchange in the media center. reports are due WEDNESDAY...spelling is due Friday. Tomorrow students are encouraged to wear sweat pants and shirts for Red Ribbon Week.

Thursday, October 23, 2008


This morning we took our first unit assessment in math. After that, in reading, we sorted plurals according to the rules used for changing the singular version into a plural. Then the students chose spelling words and copied them into their spelling journal AND their planner for this week and next. Finally, they completed a concept map for the term "market".

Following lunch and recess I did a two writing mini reviewed the general writing process and the other reviewed peer conferencing. Then the students worked independently on their writing. We ended the day by identifying specialized workers and the goods/services they produce.

I will be absent tomorrow. I need to take my toddler for an Upper GI. SO, here is a rundown of the plans I have left...

In math, the children will take a preassessment for unit 2. Then they will review this with the sub. In reading they will read and discuss an issue of Time for Kids. They will also choose a bold faced word from the cover story and complete a concept map for that word.

Following music, lunch and recess the children will practice their typing in the computer lab using Type to Learn. They will end the day with an assessment in social studies.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008


We spent the majority of our math class reviewing the Unit 1 Review Packet. These are coming home today and should be used to study for the unit 1 assessment on Thursday. There is also a worksheet for homework.

During reading we spent time discussing and identifying nouns. We also used Race to the South Pole to begin comparing and contrasting information in non faction text. Students also worked on reading groups activities and collected plural nouns (for spelling) while I met with small groups.

Following lunch and recess, the children will create charts focusing on common and proper nouns. Hopefully, this will further reinforce the idea that ALL proper nouns MUST begin with a capital letter. Then the children will continue working on writing personal narratives.

The day will end with session 4 of Econ and Me. This part focuses on production.

We will be taking a walking field trip of Damascus to visit several businesses and see economics in action. This will take place on Friday, November 7 from 9:20-12:30. Students will be back at school in time for lunch. The permission slip is coming home today. Please sign and return the bottom section today. If you want to chaperone, make a note of that on the bottom of the form!

Monday, October 20, 2008

Back to a five day week...

It has been a while since we have had a 5 day school week. It will be nice to get back into a routine!

In math we began reviewing for the unit 1 assessment. The children worked independently on a review packet. Tomorrow we will go over the review packet as a whole group. Students will be encouraged to ask questions and expected to correct any and all mistakes. Look for an accurately completed review packet to come home tomorrow. Use this to prepare for the assessment on Thursday.

While the children worked, I met with small groups of students to work on isolated skills. I had began the period by passing out an index card to each student and making a list of all topics that will be covered on the assessment. The students then wrote down one or two topics that they wanted extra help with...I formed groups from these cards based on the children's feedback. Mrs. Starkey worked with some small groups, too!

There is a math worksheet for homework.

In reading we discussed parts of speech, in general. Then we got more specific as we discussed plural nouns. I read the story Where the River Begins and we identified plural nouns with in the book.

Following art, lunch and recess we will review rules capitalization and continue writing personal narratives. We will end the day with a book exchange in the media center.

PLEASE make sure that your child is working on the book report. It is due in 9 days!!!

Thursday, October 16, 2008


In math we took our final quiz for unit 1. We will review the unit next week and begin the assessment on Thursday.

We began reading with our second spelling dictation. These are scored and will be coming home this evening. Then we read and discussed cause and effect using "Lunch Money" the cover story in an issue of Time for Kids. Children created a t-chart in their reading response journals and then wrote about two cause and effects that were addressed in the article. They also met with me for reading groups...

JGB: Did a reread of Fisherman and His Wife using directed notes. They marked places that showed the fisherman being mean to his wife with an F and places where Alice was mean to the fisherman with an A.

Dragons: reread chapter 6 and wrote a summary of the chapter in their reading response journals.

Frogs: Read chapter 3. Then reread chapter 3 and wrote a summary of the chapter in their reading response journals.

The children also worked on the letters G and H in cursive.

Following lunch and recess the children will learn about using commas in a series (ex. I bought milk, eggs, cereal and fruit at the store.). Then they will continue writing personal narratives. In social studies they will learn about consumption as they view the third segment of Econ and Me.

Remember, no school tomorrow!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Hump Day

...and then it's a quick ride down to the end of the week since we do not have school on Friday!

In math, the children worked independently on constructing line plots (and determining median, mode and range) and bar graphs. I pulled students who demonstrated they needed help with these assignments. There is a double bar graph worksheet for homework and we do have a quiz tomorrow!

During reading we continued to identify cause and effect in non fiction text. At first, the children worked in partners in a whole group setting where I led their thinking. Then, while I met with a reading group, they continued to work with a partner and created a t-chart in their reading response journals recording examples of cause and effect in Race to the South Pole.

Following PE, lunch and recess, I will continue to work with reading groups while the children continue working on their t-charts. If time permits, I will do a mini lesson about using commas in lists and have the students continue working on their personal narratives.

We will end the day with an Econ and Me lesson about opportunity cost.

We will have a spelling assessment tomorrow and spelling homework is due! PLEASE make sure your child is working on the book report. It is due two weeks from today!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008


SO, I didn't get my win on Sunday with the Skins BUT the Giants did lose last night and that helps, a bit!!

In math we continued constructing line plots and determining median, mode and range using a set of data. There is a subtraction worksheet for homework. We will have a quiz on Thursday!

At the beginning of reading we went tot he gym to watch a presentation about homelessness. Our homeless walk is Thursday during recess. PLEASE sign and return the pink sheet...even if you don't contribute any money!

When we got back to class the children worked on reading group assignments.

JGB: Reread Fisherman and his Wife and listed questions they had (or things they wondered about) in the RRJ.

Frogs: Met with me...we discussed (and practiced) finding and using support in the text to answer questions. Then we read and discussed chapter 2. When they returned to their seats, they chose a character from chapter 2 and named a character trait for that character. Then they used evidence from the text to support their choice.

Dragons: Completed concept map for either slither or pioneer. Read and discussed chapter 5 with me.

Following lunch and recess we will discuss the importance of suing correct punctuation in our writing. We will also continue writing personal narratives.

We will end the day with social studies. We will watch the first segment of a program called Econ and Me. This section focuses on scarcity.

Homework: Besides math, remember that spelling is due on THURSDAY and keep working on the book report!

Monday, October 13, 2008

Monday - Open House

It was so nice to see so many parents at this morning's Open House!

In math, I introduced the terms median (the middle number in an ordered set of data), mode (the # occurring most often in a set of data) and range (the difference between the greatest number and the least number in a set of data). Then the class practiced constructing bar graphs, independently, while Mrs. Starkey and myself worked with small groups of students to improve their computation skills. For homework students need to finish the bar graph from class and complete a worksheet.

During reading we discussed cause and effect. Then we began reading a non fiction text titled Race to the South Pole and charting examples of cause and effect.

Following art, lunch and recess, we will be presented with dictionaries (to keep) from the Damascus Rotary Club. Then we will write thank you notes for the dictionaries to the Rotary Club.

After that, we will discuss the importance of using correct punctuation in our writing and continue writing personal narratives.

We will end the day with a book exchange in the media center.

PLEASE make sure your child is working on the book report every night!!!

Friday, October 10, 2008


WE have been without Internet access ALL day until 3:00 this really begin to realize how dependent we have become on technology when that happens!

Here is a quick and brief update...

In math we took a quiz...they are coming home graded today!

In reading we worked on reading group activities...
JGB: met with me and did a text opener for their next story.
Dragons: Read chapter 4 and began a concept map (independently).
Frogs: Reread chapter 1 and answered a question in their reading response journals.

Following music, lunch and recess we went to the computer lab to either make cards for soldiers or work on Type to Learn.

When we returned to the classroom, we had a social studies lesson where we discussed scarcity, economic decisions and opportunity cost.

Have a great weekend...

Remember Monday is Open House. Parents are welcome to come see what we do in third grade! :-)

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Hump Day

This morning, in math, the children worked independently on two data analysis activities. One was interpreting three different charts based on similar information. The other was interpreting a pictograph. I worked with students who demonstrated challenges with these activities. Unfortunately, some did not make use of the class time. These students will bring their work home. There will be a quiz on Friday.

In reading we sorted words with the /er/ sound according to the spelling of that sound. We discovered many different spelling patterns but noticed that three (er, ir, ur) were the most common, by far. Following PE, lunch and recess, the students will choose their new spelling words.

After we finish spelling, students will continue writing personal narratives. I worked with a group yesterday that listened to my feedback and produced some wonderful work! That was VERY exciting!

We will end the day with the science experiment we began yesterday. Unfortunately, we had to end the lesson early due to a majority of students choosing not to follow directions! :-( I am confident we will have better results today!

Remember, no school tomorrow!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Things to Think About...

The end of the marking period is only 3 1/2 weeks away...that means parent conferences are right around the corner. Many haven't signed up for a conference. The sign up posters are hanging in the hallway, around the corner from the main office. Those who don't pick their own time will be assigned a time. I will send home reminder notices in early November.

Book reports are due October 29. Please help your child remember to stay on track.

The homeless walk is during recess on October 16.

In math today, we reviewed pictographs and constructed bar graphs. The students needed to determine an appropriate scale for the bar graph. Many instantly realized that counting by 25's would be best. There is a worksheet tonight.

In reading we reviewed text features and non fiction text. The students used the text features we discussed during the mini lesson to complete an organizational chart in their reading response journals. They also searched for /er/ words and worked on reading group assignments.

Following lunch and recess the students will continue writing personal narratives and I will continue meeting with reading groups.

JGB: Will complete interpretive words page for Master Cat. They will begin a new story (with a text opener) with me.

Dragons: Will reread chapter 3 and complete a concept map (with me) for the word "debate".

Frogs: Will reread chapter 1 and in their reading response journal write about which animal they'd want to purchase, using details from chapter 1 to support their choice.

We will end the day with a science lesson. We will use chromatography to identify an unknown marker.

Monday, October 6, 2008


I had a SUPER weekend...who could ask for more? We had beautiful weather, fun at the Octoberfest and the Redskins won, again, on the road!!!

Now that we have concluded our fabulous study of Cynthia Rylant, with Mrs. Rose, we are back to a semi-normal schedule...whatever that means!?!?!

In math we reviewed addition and subtraction with regrouping. We also constructed bar graphs (independently) when given specific data. Students had to analyze the data and determine a consistent scale to use. Many were successful independently!! There is a worksheet for homework.

After math, we got our pictures taken...then we read the morning message. We also read The Surprise Garden and listened for words with the /er/ SOUND. Students will collect more words with the /er/ sound and we will sort them according to the spelling of the /er/ sound. This will be our next spelling focus.

Following art, lunch and recess, Mrs. Howard will stop by to discuss the Homeless Walk. Then the children will work independently, while I meet with reading groups.

JGB: complete the interpreting words activity, search for 10 /er/ words, revise a personal narrative for a score (and feedback, of course)

Frogs: read chapter 3, list unknown words, search for 10 /er/ words, revise a personal narrative for a score

Dragons: preview chapter 1 of a new book, list unknown words, search for 10 /er/ words, revise a personal narrative for a score

We will end the day with a book exchange in the media center!

A note about the book report...the SIGNED book choice form was due back TODAY! I received LESS than half of the classes...kind of disappointing. Students need to select a realistic fiction novel and begin reading... The entire assignment is due October 29!!

Friday, October 3, 2008


We began the day with a quiz in math. Overall, I was pleased, but some children forgot to note the key on the pictograph!

Then we went to the media center for our final lesson in the Cynthia Rylant author study.

After music, lunch and recess we visited the computer lab. Students worked on Type to Learn and used Publisher to make cards for wounded soldiers.

We will end the day with a spelling test and a review of goods and services and the three types of resources (natural, human and capital).

The Octoberfest is THIS Sunday.
Individual picture day is Monday.
Book selections for the book report are due Monday.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

It's Thursday, right?!?!

The day off on Tuesday has really thrown me!

But it is Thursday and tomorrow IS Friday!

And the Eagles WILL lose on Sunday...right, Vogel?

In math today we constructed and read double bar graphs. There is a worksheet for homework and we will have a quiz tomorrow.

WE began reading in the media center, continuing our Cynthia Rylant author study with Mrs. Rose. When re returned to the classroom, I assigned and went over a book report that is due WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 29. PLEASE ask your child about it and look it over. It does require a parent signature! Then students worked on reading group activities.

Following lunch and recess the children will have a substitute. With the sub, the will listen to the rest of Amelia Writes Again. They will also continue working on writing personal narratives.

The day will end with a social studies lesson. The children will review goods and services AND natural, human and capital resources. Then they will finish their production charts from last week and complete a goods and services worksheet.

Some reminders:
Spelling homework is due tomorrow
Spelling test tomorrow
Math quiz tomorrow
Octoberfest on Sunday
Individual portrait day is Monday

The Eagles go D-O-W-N on Sunday...Vogel, are you reading?!?!

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Hump Day but it feels like a Monday

Today felt like a Monday but it was Wednesday...weird!

In math we constructed bar graphs. First we took the data from our pictograph of math class birthdays and created a bar graph. Then, while I worked with individual children on adding and subtracting three digit number, the class worked independently on constructing a bar graph given data about favorite sports. There is a worksheet for homework.

During reading, we went to the media center and continued our author study of Cynthia Rylant with Mrs. Rose.

Following PE, lunch and recess, we listened to Mrs. Doyle and Mrs. Iacoviello tell us about the reading incentive program. In short, starting Saturday and ending December 19, students need to read LOTS and keep track of the minutes they read. More information will come home on Friday. Look for it! I want to win!!! :-)

After the presentation, we compiled a class list of the correct uses for capital letters. Then the children went back to a piece of their writing and, using the list, corrected their writing. They also continued writing personal narratives.

We ended the day with an exciting science lesson. The children used chromatography (the process of separating mixtures) to see the different pigments that are used in 5 different black markers.

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