Thursday, May 10, 2018

Thrilling Thursday - PARCC Math Begins!

This morning the students completed the Thursday section of the vocabulary sheet for our word of the week, furious.  Then, they viewed this week´s puzzles and posted their guesses in the comment section.  After the announcements, we did NOT switch for math.

Since we will be doing math during PARCC testing, today, tomorrow, and Monday, we will not be switching for math class until next Tuesday.

So, many students went to string instrumental music practice, right after the announcements.  Those who stayed in class worked on unfinished work.  This included completing the Shiloh culminating activities (two of them), re-watching the proper noun and proper adjective screen cast and completing the practice worksheet, and reading and responding to questions about the role of the governor.

Next, the children enjoyed lunch and outdoor recess.

After recess the students took two units of the Math PARCC testing with a 15 minute snack break in between.

After testing, the students ended their day in music.

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