Friday, May 11, 2018

Fabulous Friday - Math PARCC continues!

This morning the students completed the Friday section of the vocabulary sheet for our word of the week, furious.  Then, they got to choose which academic skill to practice, wince it is Free Choice Friday.  After watching the announcements we began our literacy block, since we will cover math during PARCC testing, later today.

We began by reviewing perspective and point of view.  Then, the students worked on unfinished work, including the Shiloh culminating activities, the proper noun and proper adjective worksheet, and the text and questions about the role of the governor.  Those who were already caught up, created a character selfie, using a character from the book, Memoirs of a Goldfish, demonstrating the understanding of the perspective of the character during an important event in the story.

During this time, I pulled a group of students who struggled with the proper nouns and proper adjectives worksheet to do a reteaching lesson.

Next, the students enjoyed lunch and outdoor recess.

After recess, we continued with our PARCC math testing.  Today we only took one unit.  We will finish the PARCC math on Monday.  This will also conclude all PARCC testing for fourth grade this year!  Woo Hoo!

After testing we ate snack, took a break, and worked on a small project.

Then, to end the day, band students had practice with Mr. Gillenwater, and the ten students who were left behind with played, played Kahoot.

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