Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Terrific Tuesday

This morning the students completed the Tuesday portion of the vocabulary sheet for our word of the week, contain.  Then they practiced their keyboarding skills using Typing Club.  After the announcements, we switched for math.

Math began with a pattern based warm up.  Then, we reviewed the homework from last night.  After that, we began our rotations.

During the small group instruction, we used the Glencoe Virtual Manipulative site to solve mathematical problems by graphing points in the first quadrant of a coordinate plane.  During math with a partner, the students worked together to create a picture by plotting coordinates on a grid, and then solved mathematical problems.  Finally, during the technology portion the students completed a session of Xtra Math and then practiced plotting and interpreting points plotted on a coordinate grid using links in the Blendspace  in Google Classroom.

In between the second and third rotations, the students enjoyed lunch and indoor recess.

Math homework is posted in GC.

After math, we began our literacy block with writing.  Today, the children worked on revising and publishing the final version of their game directions.  Then, while we ate snack, some volunteers shared their writing.

Next, we began our reading and independent work block.  First, the students completed the Tuesday portion of the reading skills practice sheet which focused on identifying text structure.  After that, each guided reading group read an assigned non-fiction passage circling unknown words and writing a main idea sentence at the end.  After that, students read the next chapters of their book club books, completed their job, and met with their group.  Next, students completed the opinion paragraph about the movie/novel Shiloh and watched the screen cast about commas in letters, while completing the guided practice activities.

Guided Reading Groups:

Green - We reviewed the Monday and Tuesday sections of the reading skills practice sheet.  Then, we identified and defined unknown words in the text about Lewis and Clark.  After that, we reviewed how to use the title, first and last paragraphs, and repeated words and phrases to determine the main idea of the text.

Pink - We reviewed the Monday and Tuesday sections of the reading skills practice sheet.  Then, we identified and defined unknown words in the text about Lewis and Clark.  After that, we reviewed how to use the title, first and last paragraphs, and repeated words and phrases to determine the main idea of the text.

Blue - We reviewed the Monday and Tuesday sections of the reading skills practice sheet.  Then, we identified and defined unknown words in the text about Helen Keller.  After that, we reviewed how to use the title, first and last paragraphs, and repeated words and phrases to determine the main idea of the text.

The students ended their day in art with Mrs. Daniell.

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