Friday, March 23, 2018

Fabulous Friday

This morning the students completed the Friday portion of the vocabulary sheet for our word of the week, clarify.  Then, the students got to choose which academic skill they wished to practice since it is Free Choice Friday.  After watching the announcements, we switched for math.

We began math with an algebraic warm up and then reviewed the homework from last night.  After that, we decided, by a class vote, to do some whole group math.

First, we watched a Khan Academy lesson about multiplying by a power of 10 and practiced solving a few problems.  Next, we watched another Khan Academy lesson about dividing by a power of 10 and practiced solving a few problems.

Then, the children enjoyed lunch and outdoor recess.

When the students returned to math, we played Kahoot to practice multiplying and dividing by powers of 10.

After math, we began our literacy block by reviewing our vaocbulary word of the week, clarify and our weekly puzzles.  Then, we voted on the front cover illustration for our STudent Treasures class book.

After that, we read and discussed the Lost Colony of Roanoke, paying special attention to the struggles of the settlers and the theories of what happened to the settlement.

Then, the students worked independently, while I worked on coordinating the Student Treasures book and getting it ready to be mailed out this afternoon.

First, the children completed the Friday section of the reading skills page.  Then, they completed their illustration and text for the class book.  After that, they worked on flap pages for the Lost Colony of Roanoke.

We ended the day with a class meeting.  We began by sharing what we hope to do over Spring Break.  Then, we exchanged thank yous and compliments.  Finally, we watched a Class Dojo lesson about the magic of making mistakes.

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