Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Terrific Tuesday

This morning, after the announcements, we had a quick, informal class meeting to discuss responsibility.  Topics addressed included storing papers in the appropriate place so that they aren't lost, completing work in a timely manner, and choosing a good place to complete work with minimal distractions.

After that, we began social studies.  We continued reading the article about settlement patterns in Maryland.  Then the children returned to their seats, and in their table groups, they reread and discussed the same article, in order to complete a chart stating what people might like and dislike about living in urban, suburban, and rural communities.

As we transitioned to math, we took a Go Noodle brain break and some students took a bathroom break.

In math we continued using number lines to round multi-digit numbers to the nearest 100 and 10.  During the small group instruction, the students used number lines to round the same multi-digit number to the nearest 100 and the nearest 10.

During math with a partner, the children played a board game called, Round the Town, while practicing rounding to the nearest ten thousand.

Finally, during the technology rotation, the students watched a Khan Academy lesson about rounding multi-digit numbers using a number line, and then completed an "exit card" to show what they know.  If they had extra time, they practiced their basic facts using Xtra Math.

After math the students enjoyed lunch an outdoor recess.  Then they went to PE with Mr. Smith.

When the students returned to class we took the MAP-R.  This is the computerized, self-adjusting, reading assessment, that students take 3 times a year, beginning in third grade.  The data compiled from the test is used for planning and instructional purposes.

Many students didn't finish the assessment.  They will get more time tomorrow!

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