Thursday, May 19, 2016

Thriving Thursday

This morning, after the announcements, we began our literacy block.  After reviewing the expectations and current assignments for the Genius Hour Project, the students got started on their independent work.

First, all guided reading groups reread a portion of their text and  worked on summarizing and identifying the main idea of it.  After that the children worked on their Genius Hour project.  Most began by using my feedback to revise their informational writing paragraph.  Then they completed their planning guide.  After that, they either continued their research or began their final project.

As they worked I met with individuals to help them with their project.  Then I met with guided reading groups.

Pink:  Independently the students reread pages 14-21 and, in their RRJ, they explained why Eric calls his work space the Hobbit Hole and what helps him do his best writing.  In group we discussed why Eric might call his work space the Hobbit Hole and what helps him write.  Then we identified the main idea of the section by reflecting on what it was mostly about.  For HOMEWORK the students need to read pages 22-31 and think about the steps goes through in writing a book.

Green:  Independently the children reread pages 7-13 and, in their RRJ, they summarized the section of text and identified the main idea.  In group we reviewed their summaries and identified the main idea of this section of the text.  For HOMEWORK they need to read pages 14-27.

Blue:  Independently the children read chapter 4, twice.  Then, in their RRJ, they identified the main idea and 2-3 key details.   For HOMEWORK they need to read chapter 5.

After our literacy block the students enjoyed outdoor recess and lunch.

When they returned to class we began our math block with a Train Your Brain. Then we began our math rotations.

During the small group instruction we continued representing and solving multi-step word problems.

During math with a partner the students continued representing and solving the SChool Store word rpoblems that they began yesterday.

Finally, during the technology rotation, the children worked on solving multi-step word problem using an assignment in Ten Marks.

HOMEWORK is posted in Google Classroom.

In between the first and second rotations the students went to art with Mrs. Daniell.

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