Thursday, May 5, 2016

Thrilling Thursday

This morning, after the announcements, we began our literacy block.  Students began by explaining, in their RRJ, why Cabree was able to stand up to the tigers in The Banza.  After that, the students had an extended chunk of time to continue with their Genius Hour project research and to complete the informational paragraph organizer for their topic.

As they worked, I met with individual students to conference on their research and guided reading groups.

Pink:  We began group with a word work quiz.  Then we discussed why Cabree was able to stand up to the tigers using support from the text.

Green:  We began group with a word work quiz.  Then we discussed why Cabree was able to stand up to the tigers using support from the text.

Blue:  We began group with a word work quiz.  Then we discussed why Cabree was able to stand up to the tigers using support from the text.

After our literacy block the students enjoyed recess and lunch.

When we returned to class we began out math rotations.

During the small group instruction we created a bar graph to represent the type and number of animals on Farmer Ted's Farm.  We focused on the required elements of a bar graph (title, headings, labels, and a scale with equal intervals).

During math with a partner the students engaged in math discourse as they created a picture graph displaying students birthday months from our class.

Finally, during the technology rotation, the students completed an assignment on Prodigy, covering reading and constructing bar graphs.

HOMEWORK is posted on Google Classroom.

In between our second and third rotations, the students went to art with Mrs. Daniell.

We ended the day by going through a PARCC practice test in order to better understand how to navigate the test.

Reminder:  Field trip tomorrow...pack a BAGGED, DISPOSABLE lunch!!!

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