Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Wonderful Wednesday

Ahhh...back to our regular routine today!  No assembly, no InView testing, no changes!  :-)

After the morning announcements we began our literacy block.  While I worked with guided reading groups the students worked on the following tasks.

First, they viewed the feedback I provided on their research notes and improved their notes.  Then they watched the screen cast modeling how to use the notes to complete the paragraph organizer.  After that they worked on it.  Next, they practiced their word work words using Look, Say, Cover, Write, Check.  Then they practiced the letters I and J in cursive.  Finally, if they had time, they read a book, on their level, using MyON and took the comprehension quiz that goes with it.

Orange:  First the children whisper read up to page 11.  Then they glued an explanation of the various question types onto the inside front cover of their RRJ.  After reviewing how asking and answering questions helps improve comprehension, we used the pictures on pages 10 and 11 to ask a question and then read these pages to find the answer.  Finally we charted both the question and the answer in our RRJ.  For HOMEWORK the children need to reread pages 4-11, working on fluency.

Pink:  First the students whisper read pages 2-9.  Then they glued an explanation of the various question types onto the inside front cover of their RRJ.  After reviewing how asking and answering questions helps improve comprehension, we practiced writing a question, based on the pictures and heading, and then reading to determine the answer.  For HOMEWORK the students need to read pages 2-9 and list unknown words.

Green: We reviewed some vocabulary for their new book, The Aztec Empire.  Then they glued an explanation of the various question types onto the inside front cover of their RRJ.  After reviewing how asking and answering questions helps improve comprehension, we practiced writing a question, based on the picture on page 3 and then read that page to identify the answer.  For HOMEWORK the students need to read pages 3-9 and list unknown words.

Blue:  I finally got to meet with this group!!!!  First they glued an explanation of the various question types onto the inside front cover of their RRJ.  Then we reviewed the comprehension strategy of asking and answering questions.  After that I did a brief book introduction for their nest book, Ice on Earth, and then we did a preview through the book together.  Finally, we defined some vocabulary specific to the book.  For HOMEWORK the students need to read pages 4-15 and list unknown words (not in the glossary).

After our literacy block the students enjoyed outdoor recess and lunch.

When the students returned to the classroom we began our math block.

During the small group, teacher-led, instruction we reviewed writing related multiplication and division equations involving a variable.  Then we solved area word problems.  Today's focus was determining possible side lengths for a rectangle with a given area.

During math with a partner the students engaged in math discourse as they wrote relating multiplication and division equations for fact family spinners.

Finally, during the technology rotation the students practiced the basic multiplication facts using a web site called multiplication.

There is HOMEWORK posted on Google Classroom.

The students ended their day in music with Mrs. Graf.

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