Friday, December 18, 2015

Fabulous Friday

This morning, prior to the video announcements (a Friday treat each week), I worked with some children to practice determining the area of a rectilinear figure.  The, after the announcements, we began our literacy block.

Today, while I worked with guided reading groups, the students began by working on a reading formative.  They had to read informational text and write two green questions and the matching answers, on one side.  On the other, they identified the main idea and 2-3 key details from informational text.  Then they completed the paragraph 2 organizer.  Today I provided my model example as a Google document, in Google Classroom, and as a hard copy piece of paper, and encouraged them to use it!  Finally, the children wrote three sentences using a word with a common root.

Orange:  I collected their guided reading books and we took a word work quiz.  After that, I provided some scaffolding for their reading formative.

Pink:  I collected their guided reading books and we took a word work quiz.  Then I did some informal reading testing with a few students.

Green:  I collected their guided reading books and we took a word work quiz.  Then I did some informal reading testing with a few students.

Blue:  I  collected their guided reading books and we took a word work quiz.  Then I did some informal reading testing with a few students.

After our literacy block the students enjoyed outdoor recess and lunch.

When the students returned to class we took a math quiz.  A few students did quite well, many did not, though.  This didn't surprise me because it has been a challenging week...there has been a lot of disrespect and little effort put into academics.

After our quiz we shared homework writing journals.

We ended our day with a very important class meeting.  We began with a group share, where each person had a chance to share what was on their mind.  Then we exchanged thank yous and compliments.  Finally, we addressed the challenges in our classroom.  Using a PDSA (plan - do - study - act) model we determined the problem (a general lack of respect) and came up with a plan...we will treat others as we want to be treated.  Then we decide what we will do.  The students came up with a great list.  We will not laugh at others, we will be nice (actions and words), we will include others and listen to others, we will keep our hands and feet to ourselves, we will respect other people's property, and we will only speak about ourselves.

We decided to take the weekend to reflect on this and will revisit it during an extra class meeting Monday afternoon.

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