Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Wonderful Wednesday

This morning, after the announcements, we began our literacy block.

First I modeled how to use the research organizer to complete the planning sheet for the second informational paragraph.  This paragraph names and explains two of the changes, or evolutions, for the technology tool.  Then I modeled how to use one of the words, with a common root, in a meaningful sentences.  After that, I reviewed and explained today's independent work task list.

While I met with guided reading groups, the students began with a reading group assignment.  Then they worked on their inquiry project, by writing the first informational paragraph and then completing the organizer for the second paragraph.  Next they chose 3 common roots, identified a word that includes it, and wrote a meaningful sentence, demonstrating they understand its meaning.  Students who completed these tasks early used ten of their word work words in meaningful sentences and practiced writing the letters N, M, and W, in cursive.

Orange:  First the children reread selected pages from their book and identified a fact from marked pages.  As they did this I wrote green questions to match the facts.  Then I read my green questions and the students identified its matching fact.  As we did this we identified common words in the questions and facts.  Then I provided a fact and they wrote a green, matching question.  For HOMEWORK the children need to reread pages 14-24 and identify 2 important facts on sticky note-one fact per sticky note.

Pink:  Independently the children reread pages 12 and 13, identified a fact, and wrote a matching green question to go with it.  In group we shared these questions and answered using the facts from the text.  For HOMEWORK the students need to read pages 14 and 15, identify one fact and write a green question to go with it.

Green:  Independently the students reread pages 22 and 23 and, in their RRJ, they wrote a fact from the text and created a green question that matched it.  In group we shared the questions written buy the children and then answered them, using facts from the text.  For HOMEWORK the students need to reread pages 22 and 23 and list repeated words on a sticky note.

Blue:  Independently the students read pages 18-20 and, in their RRJ, they listed verbs ending in -ed and explained why these words are important to the text.  In group we discussed identifying the main idea of a section of text by looking at repeated words and the heading.  For HOMEWORK the children need to reread pages 21-23 and list repeated and bold print words on a sticky note.

After our literacy block the children enjoyed outdoor recess and lunch.

When they returned to class we began our math block.

During the small group, teacher-led, instruction we continued determining the area of complex figures by breaking them into smaller rectangles.

During math with a partner, the students worked collaboratively, engaging in math discourse, to determine the area of complex figures on a worksheet.

Finally, during the technology rotation, the students worked on basic fact fluency using Math Fact Pro.

HOMEWORK is posted on Google Classroom.

The children ended their day in music with Mrs. Graf.

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