Friday, December 4, 2015

Fantastic Friday

This morning, after watching the announcements live, we began our literacy block.

While I met with guided reading groups the students completed the following tasks.  First, they responded, in writing, to a question, about their play, in their RRJ.  After that, they practiced their word work words by writing each one three times.  After that, they completed their research for their inquiry topic.  Then they finished watching the Learn Zillion lesson about writing in paragraph form and taking notes in their writing journal.  Next, the children completed the suffix and prefix activities and  cursive practice pages.

Orange:  We reviewed their play and marked places that showed the effects/results of Scruff and Zillard's walk into the desert.  Then we orally rehearsed answering the question, what were the effects of Scruff and Zillard going into the desert.  During our discussion I listed the important points on our white board.  Then we began to answer the question, in writing, with me providing a framework.  Halfway through our response, I turned the assignment over to the children to complete independently.  We will begin a new, non-fiction book on Monday.

Pink:  The students used their play to answer, in writing, what caused Aladdin to trick Aballah.  Then I worked with the students to help them with their inquiry research.  We will begin a new, non-fiction, book on Monday.

Green:  The students used their play to answer, in writing, what factors caused the lazy people to become monkeys.  Then I shared one of their group mate's responses.  After that, I wrote a model answer which the children copied into their RRJ.  Finally, they identified what they did well and what they needed to improve.

Blue:  The students used their play to answer, in writing, what factors caused Little Scar Face to marry The Hidden One.  Then I wrote a model answer, which the students copied into their RRJ.  After that they compared their response to mine and identified what they did well and what they needed to improve.

After literacy the students enjoyed outdoor recess and lunch.

When they returned to class they took their math quiz covering word problems with related multiplication and division equations and basic facts.

This quiz was lengthy and took over an hour.  Therefore, they will not be graded and returned today.  I apologize.  I will grade them over the weekend and return them on Monday.

After the quiz, the children had the opportunity to share their homework writing journal entries.

Then we ended our day with our weekly class meeting.  First we shared reasons why we don't follow the rules.  I was trying to get inside the children's minds to see if I could make adjusts that would help them make good choices during the day.  After that we exchanged thank yous and compliments.  Finally, we discussed the importance of telling the truth and trust.

Have a great weekend!!

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