Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Terrific Tuesday

I am back!  Thanks for all the kind messages yesterday.  My son must have had a 24 hour bug that resulted in A LOT of laundry!!

This morning, after the announcements, we began our literacy block. Today, during our independent work block, the students logged in and took an initial interest inventory at MyON.  This is an online, digital library, that tracks the reader's progress.  We watched a tutorial together, and then Mrs. Thompson explained a little bit about the program since she has seen it in use in second grade.  After that the children completed any simile assignment that hasn't been done.  Then they completed the narrative poem graphic organizer that is due today.  Next they practiced writing their word work words using Across and Down.  Finally, they practiced writing the letters n, m, and v, in cursive.

Orange:  We began by reviewing vowels and their sounds.  Then we revisited the two ways to spell the long /o/ sound; -oa and -o consonant e.  After that we reread the poem, "Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening".  Next we practiced visualizing the poem in our minds.  Finally we identified how the narrator was feeling.

Pink:  First we reread the poem, Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening."  Then we practiced visualizing the poem, stanza by stanza, to increase our comprehension.  Next we discussed the setting and the narrator's conflict.

Green:  First we reread the poem, Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening."  Then we practiced visualizing the poem, stanza by stanza, to increase our comprehension.  Next we discussed the setting and the narrator's conflict.

After our literacy block the children enjoyed outdoor recess and lunch.

When we returned to class we changed classroom jobs (finally) and began our math block.

During the small group, teacher-led instruction, we practiced skip counting by 8s, to increase our basic fact fluency, and then we continued to interpret and represent word problems using multiplication and division equations with a variable to represent the unknown.

During math with a partner the students played a game called "Crazy 8s" to work on memorizing the 8s facts.

Finally during the technology rotation the students listened to a story called, "Snowmen at Night," and used it to complete a worksheet focusing on the 8s facts.

HOMEWORK is posted on Google Classroom.

After math we observed a pencil and identified physical properties, processes that change them, and the changes that occur as a result.  First we had a group discussion.  Then the children completed a chart on their own.


sweety said...

HI Mrs Holman,
I don't see the msg for blue group as of today.

sweety said...

HI Mrs Holman,
I don't see the msg for blue group as of today.

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