Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Wonderful Wednesday

This morning, after the announcements, we began our literacy block.  Before reviewing the independent work tasks, I listed the criteria for success for the narrative poem the children are writing.  Each poem must include 3 stanzas; a beginning, middle, and end.  It must also include a simile.  Next, I modeled writing my own narrative poem, with a simile, using my organizer.

While I met with guided reading groups the students worked on the following tasks.  First they read for 20 minutes straight, using MyON, and choosing books on their lexile level.  This is to build reading stamina.  Next they used the organizer to draft a narrative poem with 3 stanzas, a clear beginning, middle, and end, and a simile.  After that they wrote 10 sentences using 10 of their word work words.  Finally, they practiced writing the letters n, m, and v, in cursive.

Orange:  We began by reading the poem, "Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening," and working on proper phrasing.  Then we reviewed what the poem is about.  We also discussed that a theme is inferred and can be applied to other aspects of our lives.  Finally, we determined the theme of the poem as appreciating nature.

Pink:  We began by reading and illustrating the poem, "Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening," and working on proper phrasing.  Then we reviewed what the poem is about.  We also discussed that a theme is inferred and can be applied to other aspects of our lives.  Finally, we determined the theme of the poem as appreciating nature.

Green:  We began by reading and illustrating the poem, "Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening," and working on proper phrasing.  Then we reviewed what the poem is about.  We also discussed that a theme is inferred and can be applied to other aspects of our lives.  Finally, we determined the theme of the poem as appreciating nature.

Blue:  We began by reading and illustrating the poem, "Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening," and working on proper phrasing.  Then we reviewed what the poem is about.  We also discussed that a theme is inferred and can be applied to other aspects of our lives.  Finally, we determined the theme of the poem as appreciating nature.

After our literacy block the students enjoyed outdoor recess and lunch.

When they returned to class we had a discussion about making good choices, keeping our hands to ourselves, and using nice words when speaking to each other.  We had a challenging lunch and walk back up to the classroom...I'll leave it at that.  ;-)

Then we began our math block.  During the small group, teacher-led, instruction we continued to write multiplication and division equations, using a variable to represent the unknown, to interpret and solve word problems.  We also worked on fluency with the 8s facts.

Group 1 struggles with multiplication.  So we took time out to practice writing repeated addition sentences that matched multiplication equations.

After solving the initial word problem, Group 3 reworked the problem using a change in criteria which I provided.  For example the first problem stated 8 pictures fit on a page.  In the second problem only 4 pictures fit on a page.
During math with a partner the students played a game called Corners that focused on memorizing the 8s facts.

Finally, during the technology rotation, the children visited the site Math Fact Pro to practice basic fact fluency in multiplication.

There is HOMEWORK posted on Google Classroom.

The students ended their day in music with Mrs. Graf.

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