Thursday, November 12, 2015

Thriving Thursday - Parent Conferences Day 2!

This morning, after the morning announcements, we began our literacy block with some whole group instruction.  We reviewed the characteristics of narrative poetry and I read a few examples to the students.  Then I modeled, through thinking out loud and writing on the Promethean board, how I thought of a topic and planned out my narrative poem.

Today, during independent work, the students began by practicing their word work words using Rainbow Words.  Next they completed the two simile writing activities from earlier in the week.  Then they began planning out their narrative poem using the organizer provided through Google Classroom.

As they worked I met with a couple of reading groups.

Orange:  First we revisited our word study focus, the long /o/sound spelled o_e, and oa.  Then we reread the poem, "Mummy Slept Late So Daddy Fixed Breakfast".  After that we reviewed literal versus figurative language.  Next we highlighted similes in our poem.  Finally we listed common themes in poetry and discussed the theme of our poem.

Pink:  We met and reviewed the difference between literal and figurative language.  Then we defined similes as comparing two seemingly unrelated things using the word like or as.  After that we identified and highlighted two examples of similes in the poem, "Mummy Slept Late and Daddy Fixed Breakfast".  Next we listed common themes in children's literature.  We identified two possible themes for the poem and then brainstormed ideas for our narrative poems that we will write, keeping a specific theme in mind.

I did not meet with the green or blue group but I did work with a few individual students, helping them to identify a theme or lesson for their narrative poem.

After our literacy block, which was shortened due to the early dismissal, we started our math block.

Today I worked with 4 more students on the first task in the compacted math assessment portfolio.  During this time the rest of the children chose to work on multiplication and division fact families of play math Mahjong using the link on the third grade web site.

HOMEWORK is similar to yesterday and is posted on Google Classroom.

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