Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Terrific Tuesday - Welcome MP 2!

Today marks the beginning of the second marking period!

After the morning announcements, we began our literacy block.

I did a brief lesson about the function and use of verbs and how the verb tenses identify time.

As I met with guided reading  groups the students worked on the following tasks.  First they wrote each of their word study words and, using thesaurus.com, identified a synonym and antonym for each.  After that they watched two Learn Zillion lessons about the function and use of verbs, and verb tenses.  Then they completed an activity putting their new knowledge to work.  Next they practiced writing the letters a, d, and g, in cursive.  Finally, they explored Powtoon.com .

Orange:  First we reviewed the vowels and the two sounds each makes.  Then we reviewed the word study patterns for the long and short /a/ sounds.  Next we identified verbs in sentence from our book, Healthy Eating.  After that, we read an article called, "Kids Get Healthy" and identified the main idea of the first two paragraphs.  For HOMEWORK the students need to reread pages 12-19 in Healthy Eating.

Pink:  First we identified the two types of verbs, action and state of being.  Then we revisited the text, Monster Machines, to find verbs in different sentences.  After that, we listed strategies that help us determine the main idea in text.  Next we read an article called, Kids Get Healthy, and highlighted the main idea of the first two paragraphs.  For HOMEWORK the students needs to read pages 22 and 24.  Then they need to identify the main idea of page 22 on the sticky note I provided.

Green:  First we identified the two types of verbs, action and state of being.  Then we revisited the text, Whales, to find verbs in different sentences.  Next we reviewed the strategies for identifying the main idea in text.  Then students read an article called, "Healthy Kids" and highlighted the main idea of the first two paragraphs.  For HOMEWORK the children will read pages 6 and 7 and identify the main idea on a sticky note.

Blue:  First we reviewed the two typed of verbs and identified verbs on pages 10 and 11 of The Life and Times of Peanuts.  After that we listed the strategies for determining the main idea of text.  Then the children read the article, "Kids Get Healthy" and highlighted the main idea sentence in all four paragraphs.  For HOMEWORK the children need to read pages 12 and 13 and identify the main idea on the sticky note I provided.

After our literacy block the students enjoyed outdoor recess and lunch.

When they returned to class we began our math block.  I explained and modeled both the math with a partner and technology rotations.

During math with a partner, students will read division situations and sort them according to whether they are examples of grouping or sharing.  Then they will solve the problem.  Students will engage in math discourse, with their partner, as they work through each division word problem.

During the technology rotation the students visited the Thinking Blocks web site to practice visualizing and solving multiplication and division word problems.

During the small group, teacher-led, instruction we practiced solving word problems involving both multiplication and division.  Today we focused on using a known and unknown chart, identifying our knowns and unknowns as either a part or a while, and representing the unknown using a variable (letter).

For HOMEWORK the students should use the three links, on the Google Classroom announcement, to memorize (increase fluency) with the 0, 1, 2, and 3 multiplication facts.

After math we passed out a ton of papers (or so it seemed) and then had science.  Students worked on constructing, testing, and revising their Rube Goldberg machines.

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