Friday, November 6, 2015

Fabulous Friday

Before the announcements, this morning, I worked with a small group of students to solve word problems involving multiplication or division.

After the announcements we began our literacy block.

During independent work the students began with guided reading tasks.  Then they finished their verb tenses worksheet and any cursive practice that remained undone.  After that, they worked on their Powtoon presentation for their inquiry topic.

As they worked, I met with guided reading groups.

Orange:  The students reread page 3 and shared their main idea statements.  Then I collected their books, since we are beginning poetry on Monday.  After that we took a word work quiz.

Pink:  Independently the students reread pages 2-5 and, in their RRJ, they responded to the question, "Is this a good title for the article?  Why/why not?"  In group we discussed how to answer this question and then I wrote a model response.  Students drew a line of learning under the answer they had written and copied mine below it.  Then they compared the two, noticing what they had done well and what they could improve.  Then I collected their books since we will begin poetry on Monday.  Finally, we took a word work quiz.

Green:  Independently, the students reread pages 12 and 13, and, in their RRJ, identified the main idea and 2 supporting details.  In group we shared their lists of verbs from homework last night.  We discussed that words, in our language, can be more than one part of speech.  Therefore it is important to pay attention to the way the word is being used.  Then I collected their books because we will begin poetry on Monday.  After that we took our word work quiz.

Blue:  Independently the students reread pages 30 and 31 and, in their RRJ, they identified the main idea and 2 supporting details.  In group we shared and discussed the verbs they listed for homework last night.  We explored how words can be used as different parts of speech.  Then I collected their books since we will begin poetry on Monday.  Finally, we took our word work quiz.

After our literacy block the students enjoyed outdoor recess and lunch.

When the students returned to class we took our math formative.  These have been scored and returned to students.  Look for them in home folders this evening.

After our quiz the students worked on their Rube Goldberg machines.  Then some groups shared their inventions.  They were very impressive.

After cleaning up from our creativity, we shared homework writing journal entries.

Finally, we ended the day with a class meeting.  We began by sharing what was on our minds.  Then we exchanged thank yous and compliments.  Finally, we discussed challenges in the lunchroom and what we can do to solve them.  The students decided they would each work on being silent as soon as the lunch aides get on the microphone.

Have a great weekend!

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