Monday, November 9, 2015

Marvelous Monday

This morning, prior to the announcements, I worked with some students to represent and solve word problems.

After the announcements we began our literacy block.  This week we will begin our poetry unit.  So, I took some time to read a few silly poems out loud.  Then I explained and shared some common similes.  Next I reviewed and modeled today's independent work tasks.

First the children will watch a Learn Zillion lesson about poetry, twice, the second time they will take notes, using a format I provided, in their RRJ.  After that, they will cut apart, and put their initials on the back, their new word work words.  Then they will do a header sort with them.  Next they will watch a lesson about similes and copy and complete 3 similes in their writing journal.  Then they will practice writing the letters q, o, and c, in cursive.

As they worked I met with guided reading groups.

Orange:  The students cut apart their word work words and we did a sort.  This lesson focuses on the short and long /o/ sounds, with the long sound being spelled o - consonant - e, or -oa.  Next we discussed the characteristics of a narrative poem and I handed out the poem, "Mummy Slept Late and Daddy Fixed Breakfast".  We read it and reviewed some of the vocabulary in it.  For HOMEWORK the students need to read the poem out loud.

Pink:  Independently the students cut apart their word work words.  In group we did a sort.   Next we discussed the characteristics of a narrative poem and I handed out the poem, "Mummy Slept Late and Daddy Fixed Breakfast".  We read it and reviewed some of the vocabulary in it.  For HOMEWORK the students need to read the poem out loud.

Green:  Independently the students cut apart their word work words.  In group we did a sort.   Next we discussed the characteristics of a narrative poem and I handed out the poem, "Mummy Slept Late and Daddy Fixed Breakfast".  We read it and reviewed some of the vocabulary in it.  For HOMEWORK the students need to read the poem out loud.

Blue:  Independently the students cut apart their word work words.  In group we did a sort.   Next we discussed the characteristics of a narrative poem and I handed out the poem, "Mummy Slept Late and Daddy Fixed Breakfast".  We read it and reviewed some of the vocabulary in it.  For HOMEWORK the students need to read the poem out loud.

After our literacy block the children enjoyed outdoor recess and lunch. When they returned to class we began our math block.  During the small group, teacher-led, instruction we identified patterns in the 4s facts.  Then we went on to explore, using plastic squares and pictures, how multiplication and division are inverse, or opposite, operations.  The third group worked on a "messy" word problem where the answer was not an exact fit.

During math with a partner, groups 1 and 2 worked on basic fact fluency as they rolled two dice and multiplied them together to get the product.  The third group identified as many ways as possible to share 10, 16, and 28 marbles.  We shared strategies for this during our small group time.

During technology all groups re-watched the Khan academy lesson about the relationship between multiplication and division.  Then they two games (one on Khan academy and one on IXL) to practice this skill.

There is an assignment for HOMEWORK on Google Classroom.

After math we defined and identified the observable properties of a yellow basket and then a printed sheet of paper.  After that, we identified processes and tools that can change some of the observable properties.  We also noticed that not all properties of a material could be easily changed.

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