Thursday, October 3, 2013

Thriving Thursday

Today is our switcheroo day!  So, we began our day with math.

The teacher lesson focused on identifying what we needed to know in order to solve an addition or subtraction equation with an unknown in any position.  Therefore, I really stressed that subtraction is w-p=p and addition is p+p=w.  So, if your unknown is a part, regardless where it is located, you want to used subtraction to identify the unknown.  If you are trying to identify a whole, addition is the way to go.  The other rotations had students solving equations with unknowns, in all positions, in their math journals and using an Internet site to create balanced equations. 

There is a worksheet for homework and we will have a quiz tomorrow.  Tomorrow's quiz will include addition and subtraction equations.

We began our reading and writing block with a lesson focusing on using the meaning of a known root word, within a word, to comprehend new vocabulary.  Root words we studied include; photo, company, family, and port.  After that, I reviewed how to locate and record information to answer inquiry questions.  Additionally, I answered student questions which arose after beginning their research yesterday afternoon.

While I met with reading groups the students completed individual reading group activities and continued gathering facts and definitions, from the Internet, to answer their own inquiry questions.

Sharks:  We reviewed common and proper nouns and took a quick quiz.  Then we practiced writing the words for the week.  Next, each student received a Nation Geographic.  These MUST be kept in the reading section of their binder.  We began reading "Into the Rain Forest"--just the first two paragraphs.  For HOMEWORK, students are to reread just those paragraphs.  Also, I'd like them to try to find 5 words with the -less or -ful suffix (in books, newspapers, magazines around he house).  These words should be listed on their sticky notes.

Following lunch and outdoor recess the students continued their independent work while I met with more groups.

Dolphins: We reviewed common and proper nouns and took a quick quiz. Then we practiced writing the words for the week. Finally, we finished read the book Jonathan Buys a Present.  For homework the students need to reread their book (for fluency) and try to find 5 words with the -less or -ful suffix (in books, newspapers, magazines aroudnt he house).

Cheetahs:  The students reread the article and identified 3 examples of cause and effect  in their RRJ.  In group we shared these examples and began discussing the main idea of the article.  I told the students that it was not about Lucy Cooke's life or animals.  For HOMEWORK the students need to reread the article, paying attention to the headings.  Also, I'd like them to find 5 words with the -less or -ful suffix in text around your house.

Pandas:  The students read chapter 11 and identified common and proper nouns in their RRJs.  We reviewed these in group and then they took a mini assessment identifying common and proper nouns in sentences.  Then we discussed chapter 11 and attempted to identify examples of cause and effect from the chapter.  For HOMEWORK the students need to read chapter 12 and try to find 5 words with the -ful and/or -less suffixes.

We ended the day by reviewing what we have learned in social studies so far...the role of the government is to create laws that protect the common good.  Then we began learning about the Roman Republic's government and how their officials were elected.  We compared and contrasted this to what we know about our own government today.

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