Thursday, October 31, 2013

Thriving Thursday- End of MP 1 and Halloween!

What an exciting and busy day!

Our day began with math rotations.  Students working with me practiced using a bar model to solve multiplication and division word problems.  We continued to emphasize what is known and unknown and drawing pictures and writing equations.

During guided practice the students worked collaboratively in groups.  Each group was given word problems and they had to use the wording of the problem to determine whether they were grouping or sharing.  Then they had to draw a picture and write an equation to solve each one.

At the technology rotation, students watched a Learn Zillion lesson relating division to the real world.  Then they completed the guided practice lesson, with the video, in their math journal.

Next, the class went to music.

After music, the entire third grade went to the media center where we shared each of the multimedia presentations.  They were outstanding!!!

Finally, the students enjoyed lunch and recess.

Then, the day ended with a fabulous parade and party to celebrate Halloween!!  Thanks to all of the parents to helped!  We appreciated it!!!!

Remember, no school, for students, tomorrow.  It's a teacher work day. 

We will see everyone Monday for the first day of the second marking period.

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