Thursday, March 21, 2013

Thriving Thursday

This morning the class was treated to a special guest reader from the Senior Center.  Mr. Gorman read a Dr. Seuss favorite, Mr. Brown Can Moo, Can You?, to the class in honor of Read Across America Day which was earlier this month.

After that, the students went to art.

When they returned from art, we reviewed the format of a friendly letter and created a class word bank to help us create thank you notes for Mr. Gorman.  Then the class continued publishing their realistic fiction picture books, wrote thank you notes for the guest reader, read and identified what they learned in "Healthful Foods" and wrote about a financial decision they made.

I met with the YELLOW JACKETS reading group.  Our purpose for meeting was to discuss how we proceed after Spring Break.  It was decided that we would stick with the novel, Journey., but we would start at the beginning and meet consistently.  I was pleased with this decision!

In math, the students were given a task to assess their problem solving skills and their ability to compare fractions.  This task was scored and I took notes indicating how the children were able to communicate their problem solving strategies and the number of items completed correctly.

Following lunch and indoor recess the students continued their independent work.  Then, many students had the chance to share their published stories with the class.

We ended the day by viewing the rest of the Power Point about analyzing a nutrition label.  Then we used our knowledge to view actual labels and decide which is the healthiest choice and identify which label belonged to which food. 

We have had a lot of fun learning about nutrition.  I hope your child has shared some of their new found knowledge with you!

There is NO homework tonight and we will NOT have a math quiz tomorrow!

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