Friday, January 4, 2013


This morning, during music, the students experienced a PRACTICE lock down, followed by a shelter-in-place drill.  So, after picking them up from their special, we spent some time discussing the purpose of this drill, the importance of it AND that I truly believe they are VERY safe in this building.  I also allowed the children to ask some questions.

After that, we used their Venn diagrams from yesterday's independent work, to compare and contrast written and spoken language.  Some of the important ideas include that both are used as a way to communicate, spoken language uses sound and is usually unplanned, while written language is typically better organized in complete sentences and paragraphs.

Independent work today included individual reading group activities and finishing various unfinished assignments from this week.

Sharks:  We shared the pictures the children drew for homework last night and used them to discuss the chapter.  Then the students completed a suffix map for the suffix -ly, using words from chapter 2.

In math we took a quiz.  This quiz covered most topics taught since the beginning of the school year.  They are scored and should be kept in the math section of your child's binder.  Please look at it!!  I will be using the data from these to form small groups next week.

Following lunch and recess the students continued their independent work while I met with more groups.

Yellow Jackets:  Independently the students reviewed their directed notes (last night's homework) to prepare for our reading group discussion.  They also completed a worksheet identifying the Master Cat's actions as being either human-like or animal-like.  IN group we discussed places they marked as either funny or surprising.  We also discussed the actions of the Master Cat as either human or animal - like.

Cheetahs:  The students completed two entries for vocabulary words n their RRJ.

Snakes:  We shared their 5 finger retells from homework last night.  Then we made word chains using the -ight chunk.  After that, I summarized their new book for them.  We will begin the book on Monday.

We continued viewing and discussing the Power Point about African regions to end our day.

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