Friday, April 27, 2012

It's Friday!!!

To begin our reading/writing block this morning, several students shared their silly quatrain poems with the rest of the class.  Then, the students who were out yesterday, had a chance to share what they did with their parents at work.  After that we read another chapter in the Jack Prelutsky book and added a new writing tip to the chart we created yesterday.  Finally, we read a fantasy book titled, The Wump World, and created a chart identifying the actions, words and appearance of the characters in the book that made them believable.

In math we took our 4th quiz for unit 5.  These have been scored and will be coming home in your child's binder tonight.  Overall, the students did very well!

After a visit to the media center, the students enjoyed lunch and outdoor recess.

After recess the students worked independently on a final copy of a Haiku poem that will be turned into for a grade.  They also finished any unfinished work and read through poetry books, looking for and marking concrete poems.

I met with reading groups.

Bears:  We began reading chapter 3 in group.  The students were given three sticky note flags.  They returned to their seats to finish reading the chapter and mark three unusual happenings (the title of the chapter) in the book.

Lions:  We began reading chapter 15 in group focusing on the question what information did the weasel provide?  Halfway through the chapter, the students returned to their seats to finish reading the chapter independently and write on a sticky note the answer to who had the watch.

Crabs:  We read and discussed chapter 3.

We ended the day by watching a Magic School Bus video about the plant growth cycle.

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