Thursday, October 20, 2016

Thrilling Thursday - Sub in the AM

The students had a substitute teach er this morning while I was at a doctor's appointment.  So, I will give you a brief run-down regarding the plans I left for the sub.

They began the day with science.  First they observed, and recorded, the evidence of decomposition on the two pieces of bread, from the experiment we started last Thursday.  Then they learned about the sun's flow of energy by watching a few video clips and engaging in group discussions.

After that, they switched for math.

During the small group lesson and math with a partner, the students practiced representing and solving multi-step word problems.  During the technology rotation, they reviewed multiplication using a Khan Academy lesson and a drill and practice web site.

Then they went to lunch and outdoor recess.

When I picked them up from recess, we returned to class and began our literacy block.  I began by modeling, through thinking aloud, how to draft the final two paragraphs of the historical fiction story.

After that, the children worked independently to complete their historical fiction rough draft.  Then they did a WTW practice activity and finished the first and second hand accounts activity from yesterday.

Pink:  We practiced their flash cards.  Then we reviewed the concept of a main idea as being the most important thing the author wants us to know.  After copying a list of steps we can used to help identify the main idea into our journals, we practiced determining the main idea for pages 10 and 11.  Finally, the students added 1-2 detail sentences that supported the main idea.  HW:  Practice flashcards and reread pages 12-14.

Blue:  We reviewed the concept of a main idea as being the most important thing the author wants us to know.  After copying a list of steps we can used to help identify the main idea into our journals, I gave a brief book talk and passed out our next, non-fiction book, Ecosystems on Earth.  Then I modeled how I would identify the main idea on page 2 and the students copied it into their journals.  HW:  Read pages 4-7 and  list unknown words (no more than 5, please).

Orange: We reviewed the concept of a main idea as being the most important thing the author wants us to know.  After copying a list of steps we can used to help identify the main idea into our journals, we read pages 12 and 13 and I modeled, through thinking aloud, how to identify the main idea.  (Then we had a fire drill and didn't have time to complete our group!)  HW:  Read pages 16-23 and list unknown words (no more than 5, please).

Green:  We reviewed the concept of a main idea as being the most important thing the author wants us to know.  After copying a list of steps we can used to help identify the main idea into our journals, I gave a brief book talk and passed out our next, non-fiction book, Ecosystems.  Then we read page 2 and identified the main idea.  HW:  Read pages 2-7 and list unknown words (no more than 5, please).

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