Friday, October 14, 2016

Fabulous Friday

This morning, before going to music, the students had time to complete their planning organizer for the historical fiction story, finish any WTW assignments, or do the Word Sleuth, context clues practice.

After going to music with Ms. Thomson, we watched the video taped morning announcements and went over the thinkable puzzle fro morning work yesterday.

Then we switched for math and took a Go Noodle brain break.

After that, we reviewed how to estimate, find the exact difference of a mulit-digit subtraction problem involving decomposing across zeroes, and check it using addition.  Then the students took the week 6 formative.  These have been scored and returned to the children.  Look for them in home folders this evening.

Next, the children enjoyed lunch and outdoor recess.

After recess, we began our literacy block.

We briefly discussed the historical fiction inquiry project.  I explained that planning organizers must be completed, and handed in online, today.  Then we moved studentÅ› names on the Trello chart so that is accurately represented on what they are currently working.

After that, the students got their individual pictures taken.

When we returned to class, I met with WTW groups and gave the spelling and vocabulary assessment for the current lesson.

During that time, the rest of the class took a context clues formative and completed their planning organizer for the historical fiction story and read it to a buddy.  Then they looked over historical fiction stories written by former fourth grade students to help them get ideas for their own.   They also worked on their social studies web  quest.

We ended the day with a full blown class meeting, although we were missing several students who were at their violin class.  First we each shared an academic goal we will work on.  The we exchanged compliments and thank yous.  Finally, we watched a CLass Dojo lesson about Growth Mindset, the belief that the brain is a muscle that needs to be worked in order to get smarter.

PLEASE check home folders this weekend.

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