Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Terrific Tuesday

This morning, after the announcements, we began our literacy block.  Before setting the children free to complete independent tasks, we reviewed and discussed the rubric (grading tool) that I will use to grade their expert books.  Then I added a frequently used word list and a transition word chart, to our flip chart, to help the children meet the criteria for success.

After that the students worked on an independent guided reading group task, which focused on reading a section and identifying the main idea and supporting details.  Then they continued writing their expert books.

While the children worked, I met with individual students to continue the May/June informal reading assessments, and then met with guided reading groups.

Pink:  The students read page 7 and identified the main idea and two supporting details in their RRJ.  In group we reviewed the strategies for identifying the main idea.  After that, each student shared their main idea sentence and we discussed each.  Finally, we they drew a line of learning in their RRJ, and, together, we determined the main idea of this section and two supporting details.  The students were not enjoying this book, so as a group they chose a new title which we will begin tomorrow.

Green:  The children read pages 7 and 8, and identified the main idea and two supporting details in their RRJ.  In group we reviewed strategies for identifying the main idea of text.  Then the students shared their main idea statements and we discussed each and made some slight adjustments.  Then we identified supporting details.

Blue:  The children read pages 8 and 9 and identified the main idea for each paragraph.  In group we reviewed the main idea of each paragraph and then determined the main idea for the entire Bigfoot section.  After that we had a mini debate, within the group, as to whether or not Bigfoot is real or a hoax.

After our literacy block the students enjoyed outdoor recess and lunch.

When the children returned from lunch we began our math block.  Today, instead of rotations, I introduced a math board game project.  The students will be working collaboratively in small groups to design and create a board game, with instructions and game cards, that reinforces math skills we have studied this year.

Our time today focused on the expectations for the project, selecting groups members, determining a theme, and sketching a game board.

HOMEWORK is posted on Google Classroom.

After math we returned to our social studies project involving the planning and production of a toy a kindergartner could use during indoor recess.  The children worked in their groups to complete the good and test it.  If it didn't work as planned, they made changes to it.

The afternoon was certainly more "group project" oriented but the children were engaged and motivated.  :-)

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