Thursday, April 28, 2016

Thursday - Take Your Child to Work Day

So...let me start off by saying we had 9 children in class today.  That is 1/3 of our regular class size.  Obviously, I had adjustments to make.  :-)

After the announcements we reviewed the assignments for our literacy block.  First the children read a book using Myon.  Next they practiced their word work words by writing each two times.  Finally, the continued researching their Genius Hour project.

I used this time to continue my April reading assessments.  Then I worked with the children to refine their questions for their Genius Hour project and help them utilize kid friendly search engines to discover information.

After our literacy block the students enjoyed indoor recess and lunch.

When the children returned to class they helped check that each Chromebook had the app necessary to take the PARCC assessment next month.  Then we practiced telling time to the nearest minute by playing Kahoot.

Next the students went to art and worked on a cool sunflower project.

When they returned to class we continued practicing telling time to the nearest minute using Kahoot.

HOMEWORK is posted on Google Classroom.

NO math or word work quiz tomorrow.

Math quiz is MONDAY.
Word work quiz NEXT Friday....not tomorrow!

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