Friday, April 15, 2016

Fabulous Friday - Spring Picture Day

This morning, after watching the announcements, we began our literacy block.  Due to a packed schedule this week, we have missed some important science lessons.  Therefore, today , during the independent work time, students watched videos about 6 habitats and took notes on a capture sheet.  I modeled how to do this with the first habitat, the desert.

While I met with guided reading groups the students worked on the following tasks.  First, they read a book, on their lexile level, using MyON and took the quiz that follows.  Next they watched the other 5 videos about various habitats and took notes on their capture sheet.   Finally, they continued working on their Genius Hour driving questions.

Blue:  We met and I collected their Lon Po Po books.  Then we took our spelling test.  After that, we discussed the driving questions for the Genius Hour Project.

Green:  We met and I collected their Rumpelstiltskin's Daughter books.  Then we took our spelling test.  After that, we discussed the driving questions for the Genius Hour Project.

Pink: We met and I collected their The Stonecutter books.  Then we took our spelling test.  After that, we discussed the driving questions for the Genius Hour Project.

During our literacy block we took a break to have our Spring pictures, including our class picture, taken.

After our literacy block the students enjoyed outdoor recess and lunch.

When they returned to class they took the formative on area and perimeter.  Overall, the students did very well.  Look for the graded quizzes in home folders this evening.

After math we finished the science experiment that we began earlier this week in the Mobile Science Lab.  The students tested the strength of the Soy glue and Elmer's glue, in three different ways, and then rated it.  Finally, they  concluded which was strongest, the soy glue!

Next the students shared their homework writing journal entries.  Then we took a much needed Go Noodle brain break.

Finally, we ended the day with our weekly class meeting.  This week we had a student lead the first two parts.  AK began with a group share and she chose to have students share what was on their minds.  After that SK led the class in sharing compliments and thank yous.  Then I took over and we watched the fifth installment in the first series of Big Ideas, by Class Dojo.  Today's lesson was about facing challenges and how they make your mind grow.

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