Monday, April 25, 2016


This morning, after the announcements, we had a brief class meeting to discuss the events of Friday afternoon.  You may recall that I had to leave early for a religious holiday.  Prior to leaving I spoke with the class and explained my expectations for the afternoon.  Unfortunately, many students did not take this to heart.  This morning, upon my return, I was was greeted with a note from Friday's substitute alerting me to disrespectful behavior and pushing and hitting in the classroom.  I was so disappointed, to say the least, and shared this with the class.

After our meeting, we began our literacy block.  All groups began by reading a fable or a folktale and identifying the meaning of challenging vocabulary.  After that all groups wrote meaningful sentences using 10 of their word work words.  Finally, the students continued researching to find the answers to their questions for their Genius Hour project.

Pink:  In group we reviewed the 4 kinds of traditional tales and the characteristics of each.  Then we reread the fable, "The Crocodile in the Bedroom", and identified the elements of the story.  Then we read and discussed the moral and related it to the fable.  For HOMEWORK the students need to reread the fable, "The Crocodile in the Bedroom".

Green:  In group we reviewed the story elements of the fable, "The Ant and the Grasshopper".  We also identified the characteristics that make this story a fable.  Finally, we identified the moral as work hard now and you will reap the rewards later.  For HOMEWORK the students need to reread the fable, "The Ant and the Grasshopper".

Blue:  In group we reviewed the 4 types of traditional tales and the characteristics of each.  Then we recounted the elements of the tale, Rumpelstiltskin.  Finally, we discussed how a character's actions contribute to the sequence of events in a story.  For HOMEWORK the students need to reread Rumpelstiltskin.

After our literacy block the children enjoyed outdoor recess and lunch.

When the students returned to lunch, I was at a meeting, but they began their math block with a para educator.  First they completed a Train Your Brain.  Then they began their math rotations.

During the small group, teacher led instruction, we reviewed the basics of reading time using an analog clock.

During math with a partner, the students rolled dice to identify a time and then showed that time on an analog and digital clock.

During the technology rotation the children watched two Khan Academy lessons about telling time to the nearest minute and then practiced.

HOMEWORK is posted on Google Classroom.

The students went to PE in between the first two math rotations.  I picked the class up from PE and then taught the last two math groups.

There is NO SCHOOL tomorrow due to Primary Election Day.

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