Monday, April 11, 2016

Marvelous Monday - First Day of Marking Period 4

Today, after the announcements, we reviewed our new TASS skills, persistence and elaboration.  Then we began our literacy block.

First, I introduced and explained the characteristics of traditional stories.  Then I shared a Google Slide presentation explaining the four types (fables, folktales, myths, and legends) and the characteristics of each.  After that, I told the students about an exciting change to our inquiry projects.  This marking period we will be trying out "Genius Hour".  Genius hour is a movement that allows students to explore their own passions and encourages creativity in the classroom. It provides students a choice in what they learn during a set period of time during school.

Today, while I met with guided reading groups, the students watched the traditional story, Jack and the Giant Barbecue, and then used provided resources to determine the type of traditional story it is and the characteristics that made them think the way they do.  Next the children practiced their word work words by writing each using one color for vowels and another for consonants.  Finally, the students joined the new Google Classroom Genius Hour page, watched some videos explaining it, and then posted what they learned and what they are wondering on a padlet board I created.

Pink:  In group we began by taking notes on the 4 types of traditional stories and the characteristics of each.  Then I introduced their new book, The Stonecutter, and gave a brief summary of it.  After that, I defined some pertinent vocabulary.  Then the students read to the sticky note and determined key details.  For HOMEWORK the students needs to reread up to the sticky note on the page where the stonecutter is turned into a prince.

Green:  In group we began by taking notes on the 4 types of traditional stories and the characteristics of each. Then I introduced their new book, Rumplestiltskin's Daughter, provided a brief summary, and reviewed pertinent vocabulary.  Then the students read up to the sticky note and determined the most important key detail.  For HOMEWORK the children need to reread up to the sticky note.

Blue:  In group we began by taking notes on the 4 types of traditional stories and the characteristics of each. Then I introduced their new book, Lon Po Po, provided a brief summary, and reviewed important vocabulary.  After that, the students read up to the sticky note and determined the most important key detail.  For HOMEWORK the students need to reread up to the sticky note.

After our literacy block the students enjoyed outdoor recess and lunch.

When they returned to class we began our math block.  First we completed a Train Your Brain finding the different arrays that could be created to plant 30 vegetables in equal rows.  Then we began our math rotations.

During the small group, teacher-led, instruction we defined perimeter and compared it to area.  Then we measured and calculated the perimeter of an index card.

During math with  a partner, the children worked on basic fact fluency playing Four in a Row or Factor Pathways board game.

Finally, during the technology rotation, the students watched two Khan Academy lessons about Perimeter and then practiced the skill.

HOMEWORK is posted on Google Classroom.

IN between the first and second math rotations, the students went to PE with Mr. Benco.

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