Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Wonderful Wednesday - Day 2 of PARCC reading/language arts

So, once again, the students came in, checked in using the Promethean board, visited the bathroom, and read silently.

After announcements, we began the second unit of the PARCC reading/writing assessment.  Once again, I was a very proud teacher!  Students could be seen using strategies through out the 75 minute session.

When we finished, the children enjoyed the snack they brought from home and I modeled how to play the recess game, "Apples to Apples, Junior".

Next we proceeded to math.  Yesterday we were only able to get through one rotation.  So, today, we picked up where we left off and finished the rotations.

As a reminder...

During the small group, teacher-led instruction, we constructed number lines and used Cuisenaire rods to locate, label and identify equivalent fractions.

During math with a partner, the students created a flap book, in their math journal, identifying fractions equivalent to 1/2.  Then they played Fraction Contraption which practices identifying equivalent fractions.  During both activities the students were expected to engage in math discourse.

Finally, during the technology portion of math, the students played the online version  of Fraction Matching Game to practice identifying equivalent fractions.

After we completed the math rotations, we worked on planning our realistic fiction picture books.  First, I reviewed what we had learned about using Screencastify to capture the students telling their story using the index cards.  Then, I set the students free.  By recess, every student had completed a screencast of them self telling their realistic fiction story.  Success!!

After enjoying indoor recess and lunch, we returned to class and help an impromptu class meeting.  There have been some challenges brewing with some students teasing (or joking around) with others and other students feeling sad and relying on teachers to fix their problems too quickly, too often.  So, we had a long talk about reading peoples body language and knowing your audience...some people enjoy joking around, while others get hurt too easily.  We also talked about the difference between tattling and telling.

The good news is I see the children working together to point out when other children's feelings are hurt and then telling their friend to apologize.  I see great teamwork!  I really want the children to understand that we ALL make mistakes and say things we wish we hadn't.  It's how you address those mishaps that indicate the type of person you are.

In the end, I was so proud of the class...they were open and honest and seemed to really take in my advice.  :-)

The children ended their day in PE with Mr. Benco.

A permission slip is coming home today.  Please look for it!  We will be going to see Tarzan at Clarksburg High School on Friday, March 20.

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