Monday, February 2, 2015

Marvelous Monday

This morning after reading quietly, exchanging books in the media center, or practicing keyboarding skills, we changed classroom jobs and then began our math rotations.

During our small group, teacher-led instruction, we began using rulers to measure  length to the nearest quarter and half inch.  Today we focused on the similarities between a number line and a ruler.

During math with a partner, the students rolled dice to create a fraction by placing the smaller number rolled as the numerator and larger as the denominator.  Then they drew a number line and located and labeled the fraction on it.  Math discourse was the expectation, of course!

Finally, during the technology rotation, the children watch 2 Learn Zillion lessons about using a ruler to measure to the nearest quarter inch.  Students took notes in their math journals.

For HOMEWORK there is a Kahn academy lesson and practice game linked to Google Classroom, homework page.

After math we were treated to a special presentation about the heating and cooling system at Wims ES.  The architectural and engineering team explained how our building is heated and cooled and gave us a behind the scenes look at some of the mechanical rooms.  It was a great learning experience.  However, it did shorten our math block today.

Following lunch and indoor recess, the students worked independently while I met with guided reading groups.

Today students will complete independent guided reading group activities.  Then they will do a work work activity.  Next, they will peruse realistic fiction books and take notes, on a capture sheet, regarding characters actions, page layout and illustrations.  This is in preparation for the quarter 3 inquiry project which is writing and illustrating a realistic fiction picture book.  After that they will practice writing I and J in cursive.  If there is time left over, they will practice reading by themselves, with a partner, or via the Internet.

Tigers:  We began group by reviewing the main character, setting and conflict in our book.  Then we set the purpose of finding out what Kate does to solve the problem as we continue reading the story.  After the students whisper read pages 20-22 we retold what happened.  Finally we identified brave as a character trait describing Kate and searched the text for words or phrases used by the author to prove this.  For HOMEWORK the children need to reread pages 20-22 and choose 5 of their word work words to use in sentences - one word per sentence.  In class they chose 10 more of their word work words to illustrate in their word work journals.

Panthers:  Independently the children reread chapter 4 and identified 2 unknown words on a sticky note.  In group we reviewed these words to make sure they weren't proper nouns. Then we retold chapter 4.  For HOMEWORK the students need to read chapter 5 and list unknown words.  Additionally, they need to write sentences using 5 of their word work words.  IN class they chose 10 more of their word work words to illustrate in their journal.

Leopards:  Independently the students were supposed to read chapter VI and list unknown words on a sticky note.    Additionally,  they chose 10 more words to use in sentences in their work work journal.  In group I attempted to lead a discussion about what events were caused by Amanda's actions in this chapter.  As conversation stalled repeatedly, it came to light that the entire group had not carefully read the chapter.  So, instead we had a conversation about the expectation that students read no more than a page at a time before stopping to review what they had read (play a movie in your head).  If they can't recall what happened they must go back and reread.  I applaud the honesty of the group but was a bit frustrated by the lack of responsibility.  For HOMEWORK the students need to reread (or read) chapter VI and list unknown words on a sticky note.  Additionally, they need to complete a syllable sort using their word work words.

Lions:  Independently the students read chapter 6 and listed unknown words.  Additionally, they used ten of their word work words in sentences.  In group we retold the chapter and discussed the importance of monitoring their reading to ensure comprehension.  We discussed the need to stop along the way and play a movie in their head.  If they can't, they need to go back and reread.  For HOMEWORK the children need to read chapter 7 and do a syllable sort with their word work words.

The students ended their day in music with Ms. Guerra.

A side note...unfortunately, today I had to do something I have never had to do before...give the students assigned seats on the carpet.  This was necessary due to the continued silly and irresponsible behaviors that detract from instructional time.

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