Monday, January 5, 2015

And we're back!!!!! Happy 2015! :-)

While I had a wonderful break with my own children, it was so great to see my "other" kids this morning!  I have missed them a lot!!

After reading quietly, exchanging books in the media center, or practicing keyboarding skills, we changed classroom jobs and began our math rotations.

While working with the teacher during small group instruction we began by reviewing the concept that a fraction represents the number of parts in relationship to the parts of a whole not a specific amount or value.  So, one-half will not always be the same amount, it depends upon the size of the whole.  After that we used pattern blocks to identify and name fractional parts of a whole.

During math with a partner the students created unit fractions by rolling a die to identify the denominator.  Then they wrote the fraction and drew a representation of it in their math journal.  Students who wanted to be challenged could use two dice.  The larger number would be the denominator and the smaller one became the numerator.  Again, they wrote the fraction and drew a representation in their math journal.

Finally, during the technology rotation, the students watched the first three parts of the Lear Zillion: Understand Fractions lesson that is linked to the third grade web site.

For HOMEWORK the students have an assignment posted on the homework page of Google Classroom.  They will re-watch (or watch) the 3 Learn Zillion lessons that were assigned during our technology portion of math rotations.  They will also indicate one new idea they learned in the comment section.

After math we took a Go Noodle brain break and then moved on to our literacy block.

While I meet with small groups the students will work on individual guided reading group assignments and revising the first and second paragraphs of the inquiry project using my written feedback.  After that, they will practice writing the letters f, j and p, in cursive, and listen to, and rate, the BES nominee, Martin & Mahalia.  After that they will complete any unfinished work and practiced reading by themselves, with a partner, or by listening to it using the Internet.

Tigers:  We began by reviewing common spelling patterns that produce the long /e/ sound.  Then we began reading Step 4, pages 10 and 11, and highlighting words with the long /e/ sound.  Then we worked together to write a "right there" question for page 10 and one for page 11.  For HOMEWORK the students need to reread pages 10 and 11 and answer the 2 questions we wrote in class on the a t-chart in their RRJ.

Following lunch and indoor recess the students continued working independently while I met with more guided reading groups.

Leopards:  Independently the students reread pages 12-15 and wrote a right there question to ask their group mates.  In group we shared their questions and practiced answering them in complete sentences.  Next we reviewed cause (why) and effect (what happened).  The students created a t-chart in their RRJ and we identified an example from pages 12-15.

Panthers:  This group got new books today.  So, independently, they read pages 4 and 5 and wrote a "right there" question for each page (2 total) on a t-chart in their RRJ.  In group we whisper read pages 4 and 5.  Then we shared their questions and practiced answering them in complete sentences.  For HOMEWORK the students need to reread pages 4 and 5, working on fluency.

Lions:  Independently the students reread pages 16-21 and wrote a right there question to ask their group mates.  In group we shared the student's questions and practiced answering in complete sentences.  Then we reviewed the concept of cause (why) and effect (what happened). Finally, the students reread pages 16 and 127 and identified an example of cause and effect, from the text, on a chart in their RRJ.  For HOMEWORK the students will reread pages 18 and 19 and add another example of cause and effect to the t-chart in their RRJ.

After our literacy block we revisited changes to observable properties of materials when either a heating or cooling process was applied.  Then I explained what they will be working on this week.  During their independent work time, the children will watch a few videos showing how materials are turned into various usable objects through the application of heating and cooling processes.  They will then select an object and explain what processes were applied to a material in order to create it.

The children ended their day in music with Ms. Guerra.


Unknown said...

Thank you, and I know Jordan was happy to get back to school. :)

Unknown said...

That's so good to hear that he was happy to come to school! Makes me smile!!!!!

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