Monday, January 12, 2015

Monday - 2 hour dely

So...with the two hour delay, we came to school and went straight to lunch!!  There is no recess on days we start late.  So after lunch, the students returned to class and we reviewed the literacy tasks.

Students will begin by completing an independent reading group assignment.  Then they will practice writing the letters q, o and c, in cursive.  After that they will choose a "How It's Made..." video and , in their science journal, explain what materiel the product began as, and how and why a heating and cooling process was applied to turn it into a usable product.  After that the children will listen to a new BES nominee, This is the Rope:  A Story of Migration, and rate the book on their sheet.  Once I have conferenced with each student on their opinion paragraph, they will revise and complete the written inquiry project for marking period 2.

While the students worked independently, I met with guided reading groups.

Tigers:  First I conferenced with individual students on their opinion paragraphs and provided written feedback.  After that we discussed the literary genre of biography and I identified Martin Luther King, Jr, as a civil rights leader who believed in non-violence (not a president of the United States, as some thought).  After that we reviewed pronouns as non-specific words that take the place of a noun.  Then I introduced the idea of r-controlled vowels and we made a chart displaying the various spellings, in their RRJ.  Finally, we read page 3 and highlighted words with r-controlled vowels.  For HOMEWORK the students will reread pages 3 and add the highlighted words to the correct column on the chart in their RRJ.

Leopards:  Independently the students got their new book, read pages 4 and 5, and identified an example of cause and effect on a t-chart in their RRJ.  In group I did a quick book talk introducing the Gulf Oil Spill from 2010 and we reviewed cause and effect using this morning's two hour delay.  After that, we reread pages 4 and 5 and the students shared the examples of cause and effect that they identified in their RRJ.  Finally, I conferenced with individual students and provided written feedback for their opinion paragraph.  For HOMEWORK the children need to read pages 6-8 and identify one thing that surprised them and one question they have on a sticky note.

Lions:  Independently the children read pages 6 and 7 and added an example of cause and effect to the t-chart in their RRJ.  IN group we reread pages 6 and 7 using the Popcorn strategy and discussed what we read.  The the children shared the examples of cause and effect that they identified in their RRJ.  For HOMEWORK the students will read pages 8-10 and identify one thing that surprised them (!) and one question they are wondering (?) on a sticky note.

Panthers:  The children read page 10 and wrote a green right there question, and answered it, on a t-chart in their RRJ.  In group we shared these and revised them based on feedback I provided.  For HOMEWORK the students need to read page 11 and write a green, right there question, and answer it, on the t-chart in their RRJ.

By the time we were finished with writing conferences (I will get to the Lions and Panthers tomorrow) and guided reading groups, it was time to go to music.

Since we didn't have math rotations (due to the late arrival), there is no math homework this evening!

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