Friday, December 5, 2014

Fabulous Friday...The book fair is here!!

A couple of reminders...
The book fair is here and will continue into next week.
The new toy drive begins Monday.

After reading quietly or practicing keyboarding skills, the students took their math formative (quiz).  These have been graded and will be returned to students at the end of the day.  Please look for them in home folders this evening.

After the quiz the students were given 15 minutes of free choice math time.  They were able to choose from any of our math with a partner or technology rotations to practice their math skills.

Before moving on to our literacy block, the students participated in a Go Noodle brain break.

Then I reviewed today's literacy block tasks.  All reading groups will work on individual assignments.  After that they will finish typing their rough draft and use a Google app, called Read and Write Google, to listen to their writing and determine if they need to make revisions.  Then they will complete the affix assessment they were given yesterday...many need to go back and follow the directions!  After that they can choose between practicing their reading or writing by themselves or with a partner.

As the children work I will meet with guided reading groups.

Tigers:  We began group by reviewing last night's homework which was to list 2 facts from pages 8 and 9.  The students listed questions, not facts.  SO, we reviewed what a fact is and then reread the pages together and identified facts.  After that, we added two facts to the t-chart in their RRJ and then wrote "right there" questions for each fact.

Following lunch and indoor recess the students continued working independently as I met with more guided reading groups.

Lions:  The children read pages 8 and 9 and wrote a fact and formed a right there question for each paragraph, on a t-chart in their RRJ.  In group we started by sharing and discussing the main idea and supporting details they identified for homework last night.  After that I introduced the 4 types of question and answer relationships (QAR).  Then we reviewed the right there questions the children wrote for the facts on pages 8-9.

Leopards:  The children read pages 10 and 11 and listed unknown words on a sticky note.  We began group by sharing the facts and right there questions that they added to the t-charts in their RRJ for homework last night.  After that I introduced the four types of question and answer relationships (QAR) and reminded them that this week we had been writing right there questions.  Next we reviewed their lists of unknown words from independent work today.

Panthers:  Independently the children reread pages 8-11.  Then they identified one fact from the text and wrote a right there question that it would answer.  In group we began by reviewing their lists of unknown words from homework last night.  Then, after a bit of a lecture about focusing, paying attention, following directions, and choosing to succeed, we shared and discussed the facts and questions they wrote for pages 8-11 during independent work time.

Following our literacy block we began sharing our homework writing journals.  Then we went to preview the book fair.  When we returned, we packed up and shared some more homework writing journal entries.

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