Thursday, May 22, 2014

Flip Flop Thursday

Today is our flip flop day, so we began with math.

First, the students took the basic facts, timed quiz.  These have been scored and should be in the math section of your child's binder.  Please review it.

After that, the students went to two math rotations.  When working in small group with me, the students created quadrilaterals, using Geoboards, and then  used proper math vocabulary to identify the characteristics and the similarities and differences amongst various shapes. During guided practice the students used playing cards to identify two factors, find their product and then write the other three equations in the fact family. Finally, during the technology rotation, students worked on their personal academic goal, using Sum Dog or by making their own flash cards.

For HOMEWORK the students are to work on their basic facts using Sum Dog or flashcards.

Next up was music.  When the children got back, we reviewed this week's assignments and I provided time for students to ask questions or share frustrations. 

A reminder, this weeks tasks are...
  1. Students will write a thank you note to an assigned visitor from Career Day.
  2. Students will publish their issue inquiry project using Microsoft Word.
  3. Students will watch an Educreations lesson teaching students how to turn heading into researchable questions and then read the text to identify the main ideas in a section of non-fiction.
  4. Students will watch a video about using robots on assembly lines. Then they will choose a video about robot usage in automobiles and emergency rooms OR radio astronomy and school buses. Finally, they will describe how using robots as part of an assembly line affects producers, in their social studies journals.
  5. Students will watch a Magic School Bus video about decomposition.
As the children worked independently, I met with a few students for one-on-one, informal, end of the year reading assessments and then with reading groups.

Sharks:  We reviewed the sound the /ou/pattern makes and then reviewed the vowel-consonant-e pattern which typically makes vowels say their name.  After that, the students whisper read chapter 10 and marked a section of text, using a sticky note, that supported a character trait that came tho their mind as they read.  For HOMEWORK the children need to reread chapter 10.

Following lunch and outdoor recess the students continued working independently while I met with more reading groups.

Dolphins:  We reviewed the vowels and the two sounds that each makes.  Then we practiced decoding words with the vowel/consonant/e pattern.  After that, we practiced using a strategy (somebody, wanted, but, so) to summarize the story, The Ladybug and the Caterpillar.  For HOMEWORK the students need to practice reading their word bag cards.

Cheetahs:  We shared last night's homework (favorite picture and caption, with explanation why).  For HOMEWORK they need to read pages 55 to the top of page 59 and write 1 question they have.

Pandas:  We shared the answers, from last night's homework, to the question, "What giant steps did Tiger take?"  For HOMEWORK tonight the children need to turn the title of chapter 6 into a question and then read the chapter to answer it.

At the end of the day the we discussed assembly lines and how robots affected the lives of producers.  Basically, we "debriefed" from the students' independent work assignments for social studies from the week.  :-)

Remember:  Tomorrow is FIELD DAY!!!  Please put sunscreen on your child and dress them for the weather!  Also, send in hats and water!!

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